INK: Fine Lines (Book 1)
the eye. “Aiden, you didn’t see it. This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. They aren’t going to be making any exceptions on this one.” He pauses as though he’s recounting a nightmare. “Those drawings in there…” His voice trails off as he shakes his head.
    “No man, you’ve got it all wrong, this is what she does. She’s a comic book artist, not a murderer.” Aiden pleads.
    “I have to take her in. Meet us down there.” Mark opens the car door.
    “Aiden, why don’t you follow us down to the station?” Mark pushes my head into the car.
    Aiden stands helpless in the driveway watching the police car take me away. He doesn’t blink. Until he turns and starts walking down the street. What the hell is he doing?
    The whole world has gone mad.
    At the police station my mind is racing. I cannot comprehend what is happening. It feels like I’m going to wake up any minute. But this feels different from a nightmare. I certainly know what they’re like, and this isn’t one of them.
    I look around the bare room; nothing but two chairs and an old metal table scarred by the criminals that have been locked in this room. I trace my finger along the deep scratches in the wood. Wondering how many times my dad questioned  real  murderers here. How many of these scratches on the table did he witness himself in thirty years as a cop?
    With each passing minute my nerves grow more on edge. I would pace the floor, but I don’t have any shoes on and this floor is positively filthy. This has to be some crazy mistake.
    Most people have a fight or flight reflex. I have a fight, flight, or “who do I need to call” reflex.  I need to call my dad, where in the hell is Aiden? Think, Shay; who can you call?  I mentally go through the contact list on my cell phone.
    Voices grow louder outside the door.

Chapter Six
Keep Away
    “Why can’t I go in, Mark? You said she wasn’t being arrested. If she’s just being questioned I should be able to go in,” I yell, as though volume will change Mark’s mind.
    “Because you can’t. Attorneys and cops only,” Mark answers. “You’re probably going to get kicked out of here into the hallway. You should really call one of your attorneys.”
    “Shay could not have murdered anyone, let alone her neighbors.” I protest, although she does wield a mean loofa.
    Eli appears in the doorway, completely disheveled. His face and hair are wet from the water he just splashed on himself to freshen up. Of course he’s been drinking again. I figured he would hit the bottle. I don’t fucking need him here; he’s just going to make things worse for her. No way am I letting that happen.
    “Eli!” I move toward him, putting both hands out in front of me and pushing him hard in the chest. Eli’s back slams into the wall. “Shit, you smell like a bar. That’s just what she needs right now.”
    Mark rushes to get between Eli and me. “Okay Aiden, that’s enough. I’m warning you, they  will  toss you outta here.”
    I shake Mark off and Eli stays leaning against the wall, his head visibly pounding from the hangover he’s nursing. He massages his temples and closes his eyes. “Simmons, explain to me why Shay was brought in for questioning? I asked you to check on her, not arrest her.”
    I turn to Mark, awaiting his answer. Mark takes a breath. “We got there and she wasn’t in the house; she was in the garage. When we went in she had drawings of the crime scene hung up on the walls. We called it in and they told us to bring her down to the station.”
    Eli walks to the window of the interrogation room. He shakes his head as he gazes in at Shay. I couldn’t stand to look at her in there anymore, but now I can’t help myself. She looks so frail and scared, with her knees pulled into her chest. The dark circles around her eyes wash out the brilliant blue they usually shine. It’s like she’s trying to hide behind the long dark hair hanging in front of half of her
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