India Black and the Rajah's Ruby

India Black and the Rajah's Ruby Read Online Free PDF

Book: India Black and the Rajah's Ruby Read Online Free PDF
Author: Carol K. Carr
surroundings. She learns to utter flattering tripe, such as “Ooh, you’re a regular strong man, ain’t you?” and “You’re the best, Dick, you really are,” while she’s wondering if the milk in the pantry is still fresh or whether Mrs. Smith at the millinery has sold the blue silk bow yet. I practiced the same art as I paced along with the pack, up and down the corridors, listening with half an ear and feigning utter delight at the sight of ghastly porcelain nymphs and cherubs. Or were they satyrs? Hard to say, as the artists were not out of the top drawer. We’d traversed the whole bloody place twice over and gazed at a limitless number of second-rate pictures and statues of shepherds with pudgy sheep when Ashton spoke up from the rear ranks.
    “I say, Mr. White. Don’t be a tease. Let’s see the Rajah’s Ruby.”
    My ears perked up at that. I’d nearly forgotten Philip’s remark regarding the American’s collection of jewels.
    “Oh, yes, please. We must see the ruby.” This last was contributed by Marie Carter, who was looking a bit flushed at the sight of all those nude statues of Greek gods and such.
    Mrs. Carter spoke up. “Do show us the gem, Mr. White. I’ve heard so much about it.”
    Her husband looked aghast. “Pay no mind to my wife and daughter, White. I’m afraid they’ve been reading the papers again. Wholly unsuitable for women to do so, of course, but I expect that’s where they’ve learned about this confounded jewel of yours.”
    White smiled indulgently. “Why else do you think I bought the damned thing, Carter, if not to show it off? It’s a beauty, alright. Prettiest stone I’ve ever seen. You folks can wait in the parlour and I’ll bring down the ruby.”
    Our little party trooped downstairs, with Ashton whistling tunelessly under his breath and Carter haranguing his wife and daughter about their unseemly curiosity. He was a bit rough on them, I must say, and I felt a bit of sympathy toward the two of them for having to put up with such a dry stick. I sidled up to the fellow.
    “What’s all this about the Rajah’s Ruby, Mr. Carter?”
    He threw a disgusted glance at his wife as if to say, “See what you’ve started,” and gave me a censorious glance which failed to faze me in the slightest. If the old weed wouldn’t tell me anything, I knew who would.
    I turned a blinding smile on Ashton. “Well, Mr. Ashton? Everyone here seems to know about the Rajah’s Ruby, except for poor Philip and me. Won’t you tell us what you know?”
    Philip walked stiffly to the window and stared out on the lawn. Ashton regarded his back with some amusement. “Of course, Mrs. Barrett. I don’t see why we shouldn’t discuss the matter. You heard Mr. White. He’s rather proud of his ownership of what is rumoured to be the largest ruby in the world.”
    “How exciting.”
    Marie Carter had been listening to our conversation and despite a disapproving glare from her father she now joined us. “It is indeed exciting, Mrs. Barrett. It’s the biggest ruby ever found! Forty-one carats! Can you believe it? And it’s right here in this house.” She clasped her hands together and I swear I heard a muted squeal of delight.
    “Not only is it large, it is beautiful,” said Ashton. “It’s said to be a true, pigeon blood red ruby, the rarest kind, found only in the Mogok Valley in the Kingdom of Burma.”
    “Astonishing,” I said.
    “Oh, don’t forget the jewel’s
” breathed Marie Carter. She put a damp, warm palm on my arm. “It’s simply
blood. It’s supposed to be cursed.”
    “Enhances the value, I expect.” I nodded coolly. “What’s a gemstone without a legend? Preferably one involving untimely deaths and tragic losses. Is ownership of the ruby considered dangerous, Mr. Ashton?”
    The chap was enjoying himself. “I shouldn’t go so far as to say that it’s dangerous to possess the jewel, but it does enjoy a certain reputation.”
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