took three huge gulps of her Porn Star Martini and sighed deeply. “Okay bring on the bad news.”
“I’m sorry, girl,” Tamika said.
“We’re not trying to start anything,” Kalena said, “And we’re happy that you’re happy.”
Crystal rolled her eyes, “Just say it. I know that the two of you only have my best interest at heart, but I’m going to flip this table over if one of you don’t say it.”
“Well OK,” Tamika said sharply.
“Don’t make me turn Hulk on your ass,” Crystal said.
“Okay,” Kalena started, “We love that you’re happy, but we wouldn’t be friends if we didn’t tell you what was going on.”
“He’s the same guy that was all in our face a few weeks ago at the club,” Tamika said.
“Yeah, and he wasn’t just trying to get with us. He was making his way around the bar and it seemed like he was willing to go home with whoever was interested.”
Crystal rolled her eyes, “Flirting doesn’t mean that he’s cheating. You all know how flirtatious I can be and if people reported back to him every time, he would probably have a fit. I think that the two of you are really overreacting. Thanks for the info though.” There was a slight edginess to her voice that told her friends to back off. Crystal didn’t want to believe what her friends were telling her.
They all sat in an awkward silence until Crystal said something, “Sorry, I know that you all are probably right but I really like him. Are you sure that he was acting sleazy?”
“I don’t know,” Kalena said, “He just wasn’t acting like he had a girlfriend. If I knew that he was dating you at the time I probably would have snapped on him.”
“Yeah, if he was single then there wouldn’t have been a problem. But you couldn’t tell that he had a girlfriend with the way that he was acting,” Tamika added.
Crystal gave a huge sigh, “What should I do?”
“I have an idea,” Kalena said deviously. “Get him to charge his phone from your laptop and you can copy and paste all of the files from his Whatsapp and iMessage, you can even get his pics.”
“Oh my God, Kalena!” Tamika said in half disgust and half awe, “Where in the hell did you get this information from?”
Kalena shrugged, “One of my co-workers did it to his girlfriend.”
“Really? What kind of dude does something like that?” Tamika asked.
“Yeah, that’s a real Mitch move,” Crystal said.
“What in the hell is a Mitch?” Kalena asked.
“It’s a male bitch. Some of the kids that I work with say it. I had to get them to stop, but it was hilarious. Apparently they learned it from the Real House Husbands of Hollywood with Kevin Hart.”
Kalena covered her ears, “I don’t need to hear anything about another TV show. I’m already addicted to more than enough shows. Don’t add anymore to my list. But Crystal, all you have to do is pretend that your charger is broke but let him use the USB cord to charge his phone the next time he comes over.”
“That’s a huge invasion of privacy. If you have to do all of that to find out if the man is douche-bag, then maybe you just need to let him go,” Tamika said.
“Oh hush,” Crystal said, “You already have your dream man. I need to find out if this one is mine. I really like him and I have to find out if he’s legit before I make a decision. I’m not a huge fan of this idea, but it’s the only one that allows me to know for sure. If I ask him he’s probably going to lie about it. This way I can know for myself if I’m being played or not.”
Tamika shook her head but kept quiet. She wanted to try to convince her not to do it, but she wasn’t in the best position to give advice. Hell, she probably needed to try it with her husband.
“It’s what I’ve wanted for a while now. So are you going to give it to me or what?”
Kalena sat in
Heidi Hunter, Bad Boy Team