In the Dead of Night

In the Dead of Night Read Online Free PDF

Book: In the Dead of Night Read Online Free PDF
Author: Castillo Linda
upset her, but she desperately needed information. Laurel had been her mother’s best friend. She might know something that could help her sort through the mystery. If only she could get her to listen.

    “I may have new information about what really happened,” Sara said.

    “What really happened?” The woman choked out a sound that was part laugh, part grunt. “I already know what happened.”

    “I think the police may have made a mistake.”

    “How dare you.” Laurel’s lips peeled back in an ugly parody of a smile. “You have some nerve walking into my place of business and making wild insinuations.”

    “All I want is to find the truth,” Sara said honestly.

    “The truth, darling, is that your father was a killer and your mother was a whore.”

    Sara recoiled at the viciousness of the words. A knot curled in her chest. Under any other circumstances, she would have backed off, found another source of information. But Laurel Tyson was Sara’s strongest link to her parents and what might have taken place that night. “I know you were hurt, but if you’d just give me a minute—”

    “I’ve given you enough.” Laurel turned away. “Get out.”

    Sara reached out to touch the other woman’s arm. Laurel spun with the speed of a striking cobra. She shoved Sara’s hand away with so much force that Sara’s fingers brushed a porcelain figurine and sent it crashing to the floor. The delicate china shattered into a hundred pieces.

    “See what you’ve done?”

    “Mrs. Tyson, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Sara looked down at the broken statuette, truly sorry, and wondered how the situation had spiraled out of control so quickly. “Please, let me pay for—”

    “You’ll never be able to pay enough.” Angrily, Laurel gestured toward the door, her hand shaking. “Now, get out or I’ll call the police.”

    Vaguely, Sara heard the bell on the door jingle as another customer entered the shop. In a last-ditch effort to get the woman to listen, she lowered her voice to a whisper. “I have reason to believe my father didn’t kill anyone that night.”

    The woman’s hand shot out so quickly Sara didn’t have time to brace. Laurel’s palm struck Sara’s cheek hard enough to snap her head back. The sound was like the crack of a bullwhip in the silence of the shop.

    Sara reeled backward. She would have fallen if strong arms hadn’t caught her from behind. “Easy,” came a familiar male voice. “I’ve got you.”

    Nick Tyson steadied her, then quickly thrust himself between the two women. “What the hell is going on here?” he demanded, his angry gaze flicking from Sara to his mother.

    Laurel thrust a finger at Sara. “She’s not welcome here. I want her to leave. Now.”

    Nick’s gaze went to Sara. He tilted his head as if to get a better look at her. His eyes narrowed to slits, and she got the sinking sensation that he was going to take his mother’s side. He surprised her by asking, “Do you want to press charges?”

    “You wouldn’t dare,” Laurel breathed.

    “Try me,” Nick shot back, but he never took his eyes from Sara.

    “No.” Shaken and embarrassed, Sara started for the door.

    The older woman’s gaze swept over her as she brushed past. An emotion Sara could only describe as hatred gleamed in her eyes. “You’re just like her,” Laurel said icily. “You look like her. You sound like her. You lie just like her.”

    “That’s enough,” Nick snapped.

    Sara told herself the words didn’t hurt. But deep inside, they cut as proficiently as any knife.

    By the time she reached the door she was dangerously close to tears. There was no way in hell she’d let Laurel Tyson see her cry.

    She yanked open the door. Nick called out her name, but Sara didn’t stop. She barely noticed the slashing rain as she ran to her car. Opening the driver’s-side door, she slid behind the wheel and jammed the key into the ignition. All the while, Laurel’s words rang in her
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