In Exile (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book III)

In Exile (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book III) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: In Exile (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book III) Read Online Free PDF
Author: John J Higgins
along with us. Luciferael then had a further thought. When Jarahmael is captured I will force him to make more mirrors, after all I do have Lillith and I am sure that traitor will do anything to get her back!

Chapter 6
    Adam and Eve had been awoken shortly after Luciferael and his rebel Angels had been cast out of Heaven. Michael had thought it best to make them unconscious during the fighting stage of the rebellion and to keep them that way. This way they would not be aware of the disruption that had occurred in Heaven nor give them any memories of the details of rebellion, all for their own protection.
    Although there were the more primitive Simians who were also on the Earth at the time, their minds did not have the same level of reasoning as these two Humans. Michael had followed the Almighty's commands about Angels having very limited interactions with Adam and Lillith, and then eventually Eve. It was one of the reasons that he was awkward around Lillith when she was with Jarahmael. The Almighty had wanted these Humans to not rely upon the Angels but to create on their own.
    Michael brought Raphael down with him to awaken Adam and Eve and told him that they would stay hidden right after the Humans were awoken. That way they would not know of the Angels’ involvement.
    As Michael and Raphael hid themselves right after waking the Humans, he thought about what the Humans had done to the Universe. Adam and Eve had displeased the Almighty by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, directly against His only commandment to them. Unfortunately, in gaining the knowledge of good and evil they brought death upon themselves, as it was one of the ultimate evils for a Being made of the Earth. It was their act of disobedience that triggered the start of Luciferael’s rebellion.
    Luciferael expected the Almighty to immediately destroy the Humans, but instead He simply cast them out of the Garden of Eden in the First Heaven and had the Angels place them near a cave on the Earth below. Infuriated, Luciferael and his Auxilium of Archangels, loyal more to Luciferael than the Almighty, tried to take over the Heavens and rule it as their own. And Michael shuddered when he thought about it, because Luciferael had almost succeeded. If it had not been for Jarahmael, Luciferael would now be the new Almighty.
    Adam and Eve’s movements caused Michael to refocus his attention on them. Having been made unconscious at the start of the rebellion, they had not yet had an opportunity to adapt to their new world. And he was sure that they would need help, even though it was not his assignment. Non-interference was the command of the Almighty.
    Michael could feel that Adam was still angry with Eve for having eaten of the forbidden fruit, but the Human man tried not to show it. The Humans had been in paradise and now they were off living in a cave. They had to fend for themselves and find food which did not handily grow on the trees around them like it had in Eden. And as the temperatures changed here, they were going to have to make arrangements to keep warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Looking around, Michael knew he had fulfilled his duty in awakening the Humans, and then flew back off into the Heavens, leaving the Humans on their own.

Chapter 7
    The two Humans awoke and looked around their surroundings in the cave. It took them a few moments to realize that they were no longer in the Garden of Eden and they had been cast out. Neither had any idea of how much time had passed. There was nothing that they had needed to take care of, and now it would be mostly their own survival. Eve sat up first and looked over at Adam.
    “You are still angry with me, aren’t you?” Eve asked Adam.
    “No. I am not!” Adam responded but he did not sound convincing.
    “I would undo that day if I could, Adam,” Eve said, tears welling up in her eyes. “I wish there was
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