Imposter in Zebra-striped Briefs

Imposter in Zebra-striped Briefs Read Online Free PDF

Book: Imposter in Zebra-striped Briefs Read Online Free PDF
Author: C.C. Dado
eyes!” Jamie teased as David fell off the chair and dove under the covers of his bed.
    “What do you want, Jamie?”
    “Are you practicing, bro? That’s sweet,” Jamie mocked.
    “Shut up, Jamie.”
    “Okay, well, I just wanted to let you know the party is in Capitol Hill. It’s not too far, but you never know with traffic. And thanks again, David. I mean it.”
    “Yeah, no problem. Now leave so I can dress and get this over with.”
    “I almost forgot. Here are my tearaway pants.”
    Something landed on top of the blanket that was covering David. “Oh Jesus, Jamie, really? Tearaway pants?” David threw the blanket off his head and glared at the pants lying on top of him.
    “It’s a uniform, dude. Cops don’t go to a gunfight without a bulletproof vest on, and strippers don’t show up to strip without tearaway pants.”
    “Seriously the worst metaphor ever. They’re going to know I’m an imposter.”
    “Whatever, James Bond, just put on the pants. It’s stripping, not espionage.” Jamie paused, fumbling with his blanket in his attempt to leave. “Hey, how many beers have you had?” he asked, pulling a Kleenex out from inside his blanket and wiping his nose.
    “Don’t worry, Dad. I’m calling a cab. I needed some liquid courage.”
    “Here’s the address. The guys’ names are Josh and Brandon.” Jamie handed the piece of paper to David and headed back to the couch.

Chapter 6
    The bachelor party (Nathan)
    NATHAN STOOD in his new bedroom, trying to figure out what to wear to Josh and Brandon’s bachelor party. He had never really been to one before, with the exception of his great-uncle’s second marriage, but he was pretty sure ten seventy-year-olds playing pinochle was not an equivalent for whatever was currently in full swing on the roof of his building. He had been hearing people coming in the building for the past hour. Nathan stood in front of his mirror, wondering if the jeans and button-up shirt were okay. Nathan had zero fashion sense, so he usually tried to match something he saw on a mannequin, figuring someone thought it was a good idea.
    He brushed his fingers through his dark hair that currently refused to be tamed and adjusted his glasses. He grabbed the keys to his new place and started to the roof.
    The music got louder as he walked up the stairs. He wasn’t sure if this was a good idea. He wasn’t much of a drinker, but he didn’t want to turn down the first invitation he got from his new neighbors. He was determined not to be so shy. This was a new start for him.
    He ran into Josh and Brandon a few times throughout the week, and they were super nice guys. He was not going to hide in his apartment. When Nathan was younger, his mom was convinced he had autism because of his lack of social skills. He preferred reading to playing with the neighbor kids. She took him to fifteen different doctors, demanding someone diagnose him as autistic. The only thing she got was a referral to a counselor for herself. Over the years she managed to get some doctors to prescribe a multitude of medications for his anxieties, none of which he took because he hated being medicated. He still had a stockpile in a box he hid from her.
    He contemplated going back downstairs to find the box. He hated how the drugs made him feel, but he really didn’t want to freak out or do anything embarrassing in front of his new neighbors. It was bad enough it still took everything in him not to drool over Josh like he did the first time they met.
    Not that Nathan had a thing for tall, dark-haired, tattooed bad boys, because he definitely didn’t. Guys like that made him too nervous. If he had his pick, which he didn’t, but if he did, it would be an athlete. He hated sports, but there was something about an athlete’s body and their mental drive that did it for Nathan. In school Aurora tried to get him to try out for sports constantly. A kid of hers should be on the football team, she would say. Nathan
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