Impeding Justice

Impeding Justice Read Online Free PDF

Book: Impeding Justice Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mel Comley
Tags: thriller, Crime, London, Revenge, Murder, love, kidnap, unicorn, russian, woman detective
    John didn’t comment.

    Chapter Six.
    The Unicorn traced a finger along the thigh
of the scantily clad girl. A whore, a high-class one, but still a
whore, she’d serve his purpose for now. He had better things lined
up for the very near future…
    His phone juddered the tune he’d assigned to
the Russian. The interruption to the pleasure he’d anticipated
rendered his patience tauter than a hangman’s noose. As he flipped
the lid he told the girl to take a hike.
    ‘ Sergei?’
    The Russian’s part as a useful link in his
plans would soon end.
    ‘ The police have just left
here. They know my car was used by you on Tuesday…’
    ‘ Calm down, Sergei. What
exactly did they say?’
    Sergei Abromovski told him in full, the
conversation he’d had with the two detectives and how the phone
call Lorne had received caused her to abruptly end their
    ‘ So… Just exactly what are
you worried about?’
    ‘ What’s going on? Are you
listening to me? You were careless. You’ve implicated me in your
little game. I demand to know what you intend doing about
    ‘ Trust me. My plan is about
to get interesting.’
    ‘ What the hell do you mean
by that? Did you incriminate me intentionally?’
    The Unicorn bit the end off a Havana cigar,
lit it with the solid gold lighter laying beside him on the
antique, mirror-topped bedside-table. Another few hours and it’ll
all be worth it. Tomorrow will be the start for him. He thought
about the yacht he would acquire and sail down to Monaco, where he
would surround himself with beautiful rich people. For the Russian
it would be his last day…
    ‘ Sergei, would I do
something like that to you, my great friend. It was a genuine
accident, I assure you.’ The lie sounded convincing enough and
after a moment the Russian accepted it and rang off.
    The Unicorn lay back on his bed a smile curled his
lip. His father would be proud
of him.
    Thinking of his father triggered the pleasing
memory of what had happened on his sixteenth birthday. On that day
he’d savoured the sweet taste of revenge for all the lessons of
‘use and abuse’, which had ground into the very soul of him after
years of watching his father’s fists as large as melons, brutalise
his mother into submission. Then, when she cowered at his feet, a
bloodied heap of nothing, he’d beat him, his only son, as a way of
a taster of what he’d get if he stepped out of line.
    But, his day of retribution had come. A mercy killing some
might say… His father had begged for
    Begged in hollers, loud, hoarse and deeper
than screams, drowning out the crack each of his chubby fingers had
made as they broke in two.
    Inhaling smoke deep into his lungs The
Unicorn blew rings into the air and watched them disintegrate. His
mind gave him pictures of his father’s entrails as they’d spewed
out, like overgrown worms. Tears of blood had seeped from his
father’s eyes. Red drops trickling down his ugly face.
    He’d drawn and quartered the bastard.
    Describing the incident in graphic detail
with the intention of keeping greedy business associates in line
had had the desired effect. Very few had double-crossed him.
    He thought
about the Russian. Replaced his father’s image with Sergio
Abromovski’s and allowed his imagination to act out the torture
once more. Doing so he experienced a pleasure far deeper than any
the whore would have given him.

    Chapter Seven .

    ‘ Whose toes will we be
stepping on?’ Lorne asked as soon as they returned to the squad
    ‘ MI6, ma’am.’ Storey
informed her.
    John let out a high-pitched whistle, ‘Them
are pretty big toes, gov.’
    ‘ How did you find out,
    ‘ I was doing the background
checks on our friend Sergei and his company, ma-am, when my
computer crashed. Next thing I knew my phone rang and this guy
announced he was from MI6 and told me to back off. When I asked
why, he told me to ask my superior to ring him ASAP. His
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