Illicit Liaison

Illicit Liaison Read Online Free PDF

Book: Illicit Liaison Read Online Free PDF
Author: Katelyn Skye
expensive and luxurious villas, hotels and restaurants. The bay was home to more of the same, as well as the houses of the locals. The colorful buildings were home to bustling and trendy art galleries, exorbitant boutiques and even more restaurants that sought to tantalize the most snobbish of gourmands.
    Lolita knew that as soon as they arrived at the villa they would be under close surveillance. Everyone was, and for obvious reasons. Carmen’s lover Carlos was so paranoid he had even demanded that the celebrities be watched carefully, just in case the government had set them up to help nab him.
    Lolita had not known whether she should laugh or cry when Antony had told them that. How Antony had known was anyone’s guess but she had her own ideas. Carmen was wearing a ring that purportedly belonged to his mother and he was Carlos’ rival. He had likely tried to woo her out of malice and wound up losing his mother’s ring to her.
    As far as Lolita was concerned, it served the sister-stealing bastard right.
    The villa came into sight. It stood four stories high on a long hillside whose sloping walls were almost hidden by colorful stone walls. They drove through the gates and the gardens spread out around them, bringing the fragrance of flowers and freshly mown grass to her nose.
    A couple was standing on a third floor balcony and a knot formed in Lolita’s throat as they embraced then did a slow dancing walk across the balcony, clinging to each other as they went.
    “They are probably snookered. They will be lucky if they don’t fall off there and die on the patio stones below.”
    “Aren’t you the hopeless romantic,” Lolita shot back. Darien grinned at her as the limo glided to a smooth halt in the circular drive.
    “What could possibly be more romantic than a tragic death among beautiful roses?”
    “I think you should jump from the balcony and see how that works out for you,” Lolita deadpanned.
    “You don’t really hate me darling,” Darien whispered into her ear. “You love me, now act like it. Somebodies always watching.”
    His mouth captured hers. Lolita’s pulse quickened as his fingers slid casually down the buttons of her blouse, just brushing them. Her nipples stiffened and her pussy grew damp, her mind told her to pull away but she did not, could not.
    The door of the limo swung open, shedding bright sunlight into the leather and wood interior.
    Instantly uniformed help came out of the doors, ready to usher them inside and haul their luggage. Lolita and Darien did not miss the fact that there were deadly telltale bulges below the uniforms that the men, and even a woman or two, were wearing.
    Carmen was waiting inside, at the base of the magnificent staircase and directly below the skylight. Jeweled tones played over her, highlighting the emerald dress she wore, putting gold and red streaks into her dark hair and sparking off the jewels that adorned her. The ring was not on her finger.
    Damn, Lolita thought, that makes it a little less difficult but now I have to find out where she keeps her jewelry. Her original plan had been to drug Carmen, rip the ring off her finger while she was knocked out, and then flee the scene as quickly as possible. It was hardly a plan of finesse but she had been operating on little sleep and a lot of distractions had kept her from being able to think clearly.
    One of those distractions was standing in the foyer right beside her, smiling like a love-struck teenager as Carmen came toward them. He could not even play his part! The damn fool stared right at Carmen’s ample bosom, gave her a grin that was both goofy and leering and kissed her hand, bowing as he did it.
    He was supposed to be acting like a newlywed in love and instead he was behaving like a horny high school boy. Lolita’s cheeks went red as Darien launched into a fulsome set of praises for Carmen’s beauty and the beauty of the house. Carmen seemed to take it all as her due.
    Lolita was not even sure
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