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Book: Icespell Read Online Free PDF
Author: C.J. Busby
worry about. Between us, we’ll find a way to take the spell off, you’ll see.”
    “Yes, yes!” said Adolphus, nodding vigorously. “And Vortigern will help, won’t you?”
    “Quack!” said Vortigern. “You can count on me. Always happy to help!”
    Max nodded and felt a bit better. He looked again at the distant castle. He could see dark figures moving around by the gatehouse, which was just outside the moat and so the only part of the castle not encased in ice.
    “Umm, Olivia,” he said slowly. “Do you happen to remember who was on guard duty when we left?”
    She considered. “Well… everyone important was in the meeting with King Arthur – the one about the mysterious sorceress. I think the only one on guard duty was… oh…” Her face fell. “It was Sir Richard.”
    “That’s what I thought,” said Max grimly. “Sir Richard Hogsbottom. Because he knew what was going to happen!”
    Ferocious sniffed. “Well, in that case it’s probably best if we don’t just walk up to the castle and ask if they need any help. Or we’ll be helping from the bottom of a very deep dungeon.”
    “Too right,” said Olivia. “Maybe we’d better just go back to the woods.”
    Max thought about it. “I agree. We can head for the old charcoal-burner’s hut. But first I think we need to know what they’re planning. Which means getting a bit closer, without being seen.”
    “Oh yes,” said Adolphus eagerly. “I can do that! I’m very good at creeping. Look – look at me doing invisible creeping!”
    He wriggled along the ground on his belly, squawking slightly as he scraped over stones, and not quite in control of his tail, which waved enthusiastically every few yards.
    “Yes, Adolphus, very good,” said Olivia encouragingly. “But you’re a bit big. I think it might be better to send Ferocious.”
    “Oh yes, me as usual, into the mouth of danger. Ha! Never fear, Ferocious is always ready to risk life and limb,” said the rat, and sighed.
    “Quack! I’ll go too! Might get some bread from the guards!” said Vortigern.
    “Right,” said Max. “Good idea. Vortigern, you can act as a decoy – distract the guards whileFerocious gets closer and tries to find out what Sir Richard’s up to.”
    Ferocious crept quietly along the floor of the gatehouse, under the wooden benches by the side of the wall. Vortigern was already outside, quacking loudly, and most of the guards were competing to see who could get a piece of bread straight into his open beak from ten yards. Inside, one of the gate guards was discussing the situation with Sir Lionel, who had just arrived from Leogrance.
    “It’s been a complete nightmare! We’ve tried chipping our way into the castle but the ice is like solid rock! Nothing can seem to break it.”
    Sir Lionel stroked his moustache. “It’s obviously an enchantment, and I never was any use when it came to magic. It’s a good thing Sir Richard was outside the castle when it happened – at least he knows a bit more about these things!”
    Ferocious sniffed. Sir Richard Hogsbottom, Snotty’s father, knew hardly anything about magic –but he knew a great deal about plotting. He was almost certainly in on the whole thing, and was bound to have something nasty up his wide velvet sleeve.
    “Yes, well, he’s outside having a look at the ice now, with young Adrian,” said the guard. “And he’s sent a swift to Lady Morgana le Fay – she may be able to help, of course. Hopefully the answer will be back soon.”
    Almost as he spoke, the great door of the gatehouse crashed open and Snotty walked in, with his father behind him. Sir Richard was a short, rather tubby knight, with an ingratiating manner. He smiled round at them all, looking very pleased with himself, and then seemed to remember that the occasion was a solemn one and changed his expression to one of concern.
    “I fear there’s nothing I can do – and even Adrian, who is very skilled in magic, cannot make a dent
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