I Love Dick

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Book: I Love Dick Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chris Kraus
    Crestline, California
    December 10, 1994
    Dear Dick,
    We’ve decided to publish this correspondence and were wondering if you’d like to write an introduction? It could read something like this:
    â€œI found this manuscript in the drawer of an old kitchen cabinet that I picked up at the Antelope Valley Swapmeet. It makes strange reading. Obviously, these people are very sick. I don’t think there’s much film potential in it because none of the characters are likeable.
    â€œStill, I believe these letters will interest the reader as a cultural document. Obviously they manifest the alienation of the postmodern intellectual in its most diseased form. I really feel sorry for such parasitic growth, that feeds upon itself…”
    What do you think?
    PS: Could you Express Mail us a copy of your latest book, The Ministry of Fear ? We feel that if we’re going to write for you we should get more familiar with your style.
    Crestline, California
    December 10, 1994
    Dear Dick,
    Chris and I have spent the whole morning lying around with our computer thinking about you. Do you think this whole affair was just a means for Chris and me to finally have sex? We tried this morning but I think we’ve gone too far into our morbid imaginations. Chris continues to take you seriously. She thinks I’m sick, now she’ll never touch me again. I don’t know what to do. Please help—
    PS: Thinking about it further, these letters seem to open up a new genre, something in between cultural criticism and fiction. You told us how you hope to revamp the writing program at your institution along these lines. Would you like me to read from it in my Critical Studies Seminar when I visit next March? It seems to be a step towards the kind of confrontational performing art that you’re encouraging.

    By now it was 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Sylvère was triumphant, Chris was desperate. All she’d really wanted, for the past seven days was a chance to kiss and fuck Dick —— , and now all hope was receding, their meeting grew more distant every day, leaving everfewer pretexts for her to call. Clearly the letters were unsendable. And Sylvère was so excited by their writing, and aroused by it, and he knew that if there wasn’t another event soon, another point of contact to fuel Chris’ expectations, all this would end. For all these reasons, the pair decided they would write a fax.
    FAX TO: DICK ——
    DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1994
    Dear Dick,
    It’s a pity that we missed each other Sunday morning. It’s funny, both of us thought a lot about your video—so much that we’ve had an idea for a collaborative piece, inspired by and hopefully involving you. It’s kind of like, Calle Art. We’ve written about 50 pages over the last few days and were hoping we could shoot something with you out in Antelope Valley soon before we leave (Dec. 14).
    Basically our idea was to paste the text we’ve written all over your car, house and cactus garden. We (i.e., Sylvère) would videotape me (i.e., Chris) doing this—probably a wideshot of all the papers flapping in the breeze. Then, if you like, you could enter and discover it.
    I guess the piece is all about obsession, although we wouldn’t think of using images that belong to you without your agreeing to it. What do you think? Are you game?
    Best regards,
Chris & Sylvère
    But of course the fax was never sent. Instead, Sylvère left one more message on Dick’s answering machine:
“Hi Dick, it’s Sylvère. I’d like to talk to you about an idea I had, a collaborative piece we could do before I leave on Wednesday. I hope you won’t find it too crazy. Call me back.”
    Expecting no more response from Dick than they’d had all week, Chris left to do
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