Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3

Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Hunting Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #3 Read Online Free PDF
Author: J.K. Harper
Tags: paranormal romance
so.” Rafe shrugged and went to grab his water bottle.
    Damn it. Rafe was always pretty good at reading others. Between him and Rielle, Caleb might never be able to keep any secrets to himself.
    Not that thinking about Rielle was a secret. There was nothing there. No secret, nothing going on. Just lips. Soft, moist, cute little lips. And maybe that sassy way she'd behaved around him. And the way she got mad at him. Man, he managed to piss her off pretty easily. It was a gift.
    “Ah,” he said in disgust, throwing up his hands. He stalked over to his towel and wiped off his face and arms. The summer heat couldn't reach inside the perfectly climate-controlled den, but just knowing it was out there had made him sweat extra hard during this session. “Fine. It's a woman. Sort of. It's stupid, bro.”
    Rafe eyed him above the water bottle he still drank from, but didn't respond. Classic Rafe tactic, there. Just shut up until the enemy squawked out of a desperate need to fill the silence.
    “And it's not what you think. She's not a woman, not like that.” Caleb paced.
    Rafe sputtered on his water. After he managed to swallow without choking, he asked, “What is she, then? An alien?”
    Caleb moved restlessly through the gym, passing by the punching bags, the weights, the elliptical. He'd spent thousands of hours in here since he was a cub, and he loved every single second. It was his sanctuary. His one saving grace. Sometimes, he thought the state-of-the-art equipment he used to help hone his body into a fighting machine understood him more than any wolf actually could.
    “Nah,” he finally said. “It's—it's one of us. I mean, she's a Pack member.”
    “Really?” Despite his dry tone, Rafe was interested and listening. He dropped onto a bench and watched his brother closely.
    “Yeah, but it's not like that, like I said. She's freaking pissed at me for no good reason. Well,” Caleb amended, remembering Rielle's snapping brown eyes, “she might have had a reason or two. Maybe even three. She's always like this to me, though, and I don't get it!”
    His wolf sensed Caleb's sudden aggrieved tone and whined in sympathy.
    “What exactly happened?” Rafe's big brother, alpha-to-be voice came out in full glory.
    Caleb punched out a sigh, then took off in a sprint around the room. He circled twice, running hard, before stopping back at the mat. Flopping down on it as he felt his heart race, he exhaled. Any motion calmed him and made his thoughts less crazy, easier to harness and control. Sort of.
    Rafe waited. It was one of the reasons he would make a kickass alpha in the new pack he was setting up. Rafe was alpha material to the core, through and through.
    Caleb was—Guardian material, at least. He wasn't sure yet what else he might be great at, if anything.
    “It's Ree. Rielle Amoux.” Even just saying her name out loud made her image pop into his mind. That smile, those sweet brown eyes. “I keep, like, running into her. And over her. And just making her mad, or something.”
    Caleb shot a look at Rafe. Rafe's face remained solemn, although a tiny muscle might have twitched by his mouth.
    “Well, she's so small,” Caleb said defensively. “She's sort of easy to trip over.”
    Now Rafe did laugh out aloud. He stood up and began a post-workout stretching routine while he talked. “Rielle is a small wolf, yes. She's really smart, too.” Rafe eyed Caleb as he sank into a runner's stretch. “She's always kind of intimidated you, hasn't she? I remember that even when we were cubs.”
    Caleb bounded up from his prone position on the mat. His wolf's hackles raised at the confused distress emanating from Caleb's body and mind.
    “Intimidated?” Caleb's voice boomed around the room. He shifted from foot to foot, feeling agitation ricochet through him. “What, are you nuts? Nothing intimidates me. I'm the biggest wolf in the Pack.”
    That wasn't bragging. It was sheer truth.
    Rafe shrugged and switched to his other
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