Hunk for the Holidays
noticed James. His eyes narrowed briefly; then he held out a hand. “Jake McPherson.”
    James shook his hand. “James.”
    Cassie knew Jake was waiting for more, but James didn’t appear to notice. Instead, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and slipped a hand in his pocket. Jake looked like he wanted to say something, but decided against it. Being a tough corporate lawyer, he knew when to push and when to leave things alone.
    “Hi, I’m Melanie.” Jake’s wife stepped forward, her face lit with its usual kind, welcoming smile. Except there was approval in her soft brown eyes that hadn’t been there for the other escorts Cassie had introduced. Of course, what woman wouldn’t approve of a man who looked like James?
    Melanie shivered and took Jake’s arm. “Let’s get inside before we freeze to death.”
    “I couldn’t agree more,” James said, as he allowed them to lead the way up the winding path to the Hillshires’ front door.
    “You’re more confident than the others,” Cassie said asthey walked up the path bordered by shrubs mantled in twinkling lights.
    He slowed his steps to match her smaller, wobbly ones. “The others?”
    “The other escorts.”
    “How many have there been?” he asked.
    She ignored the question. “It probably has to do with age. They were younger than you.”
    “How young?”
    “I think one was nineteen. Although he swore up and down he was twenty-one.”
    He rolled his eyes. “Good Lord.”
    A noise came out of her mouth that sounded very much like a giggle. But since Cassie had given up giggling at age ten, she figured her ears had deceived her.
    “So you think it’s funny to be dating an old man?” he asked.
    “You’re not that old,” she said. “Surely not more than forty.”
    “Thirty-five. And don’t call me Shirley.”
    Another one of those girlish giggles came out, but this time she clamped her mouth shut and cut it off.
    The Hillshires had hidden speakers somewhere on the lawn. The sound of choral voices singing “We Three Kings” filled the air. With his arm tucked securely around her, it was quite easy for Cassie to fantasize that she was walking through this beautiful holiday scene with a man who really cared about her. A man who wasn’t being paid for his time. A man who was with her because he chose to be.
    Once they got inside, James took his jacket back, butbefore he could slip one arm in a sleeve, the rest of the McPherson clan descended. Thank God her father and mother were at home.
    “Whoa, Miss Cass, who dressed you tonight?” Mattie, her youngest brother, teased with a wide grin that Cassie wanted to wipe off with her fist when he added, “Hookers R Us?”
    “No, Simply Sluts.” Patrick spun her around and pulled her into his arms.
    He passed her to Rory, who made some comment about a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Her face heated up, not because of her brothers’ teasing, but because of the pair of whiskey eyes that took in the entire scene.
    She hid her embarrassment by socking Rory in the chest. “You guys had better watch out. Amy won’t like how you’re talking about her handiwork.”
    Rory scowled and grumbled, “Figures. I don’t know why you hang out with that woman. She’s a bad influence.”
    Before she could defend her best friend, a warm hand reached out, and suddenly she wasn’t in Rory’s arms anymore. Instead, she was flush against James’s side. He stared down at her with something that looked a lot like adoration mixed with a small amount of sympathy.
    “I think you look stunning,” he stated.
    She swallowed down the lump that formed in her throat. “James, meet the rest of my brothers.”
    He shook each one’s hand as she made the introductions, then, apparently unconcerned with their censorious stares, turned back to her. “Cassandra, would you like something to drink?”
    No one called her Cassandra except her mom. Sheliked the way it sounded coming from his firm lips. Feeling a little dazed and
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