Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1)

Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Magenta Phoenix
individuals that held any semblance of power; other than the Alpha. They helped to maintain the laws and they irritated the shit out of Eric. If all four of the elders were here, it meant that something was up.
    “They are waiting for you in the meeting room and have asked that you make yourself available now.” Chris said with obvious distaste. His beta didn’t like the elder’s underhanded attitude any more than Eric did. Often times the elders abused their rights as councilors to the Alpha to push him around to their liking and he was getting tired of it.
    Rubbing a tired hand against his forehead, Eric nodded. “Let’s get this over with.” Striding around his desk, he followed Chris out into the wide lobby of the pack’s lodge. Turning down a hallway to the left, Eric strode toward the meeting room with Chris following behind him. The long hallway was flooded with morning light from the countless chest high windows on the left of the long hall leading to their destination. Idly, Eric’s gaze shifted out the windows as he walked. His gaze took in the sight of the lush forest that surrounded the pack’s lodge. He’d rather be running in his wolf form out there than facing a group of sour faced elders.
    His strides didn’t slow when he entered the meeting room. The room was basically empty save for a long table that stretched the length of the room. Coming to a stop at the head of the table, Eric noted that the elders had already made themselves comfortable in the padded chairs at the middle the carved table. Adopting a blank expression, Eric turned his attention on the scowling faces of the elders.
    The elders sat in a close unit with two sitting on either side of the table. He recognized the head elder; Peter Smyth, a willowy man that treasured tradition and hated anything that didn’t glorify or strengthen the pack. He sat in his chair as straight and stiff as a board.
    Pulling out his chair, Eric sat down in a relaxed manner; his eyes flickered over the room. Chris had pulled the door closed as they entered in an effort to keep this meeting private. For that, he was very thankful for. He highly doubted that the elders had ordered this meeting to talk about the weather with him.
    “Good morning.” He murmured. None of the occupants at the table returned his greeting.
    This was going to be fun… he thought dryly.
    “Alpha,” Peter began, displeasure evident in his tone. “We have come to discuss several pack matters that concern us.”
    Ignoring the way the elder glanced at Eric like he was a child about to be reprimanded, he shrugged. “I wasn’t aware of any issues among my pack.”
    “That is precisely why we are here.” A second elder commented. The second elder was a woman; not that he could care to recall her name, but he noted that her expression was aloof and stiff as she regarded him. “It has come to our attention that some of your decisions of late may not be in the best interest of our pack.”
    Before Eric could reply the Peter explained. “One of those being your decision to form an alliance with those filthy Mackenzie’s,” The elder’s face held a look of distaste. “A decision that you neglected to share with this council before hand; I might add.”
    Eric had to fight the urge to smile. It had been months since he’d heard from Doyle and his pack, much to his relief. Doyle’s pack may be an odd one among shifters, but Eric respected Doyle. As Alpha of his pack; Doyle welcomed many different shifters and offered protection where it was needed. He found it amusing that others of his pack viewed Doyle with such distaste. The grizzly bear shifters may be a bit odd and extremely possessive of their mates, but they at least didn’t fight amongst themselves like these people before him were doing. He didn’t care about the challenges that Doyle was battling at the moment, it wasn’t his business. He had enough to worry about with his own pack. What he cared about was their
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