How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women)

How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women) Read Online Free PDF

Book: How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women) Read Online Free PDF
Author: T. Mills
yourself, so instead make them play on your terms. This will give you home Field advantage which greatly increases a win.
    The purpose of this chapter is to increase your awareness of your own self. It seems that alpha males spend more time looking into others minds but that’s only due to the amount of time spent looking into one’s own issues.   Most men as well as women do not seek for true self-knowledge and therefore become victims of their own mind games. They lose in life or in relationships mostly because of themselves playing against their own self unknowingly.
    This occurs when you have a man who either refuses to accept certain bad traits of himself and fix it such as extreme arrogance or when a man’s ego is more important than common sense or right versus wrong. This type of man is not acting as an alpha male.
    This lesson’s primary goal is to get you to know you. All of what an alpha male does is mental. An alpha male must not ever fall into the category of people who seriously have no idea of who they are and what they stand for and as the saying goes, they fall for anything. An alpha male strives for perfection by any means. His means is by having and using the knowledge the masses lack.
    First I will challenge you to a task. This task involves quite an extensive amount of research. You have to look at it from a professional standpoint. If you were the professor teaching a subject entitled, “YOU”, and had to give lesson after lesson day after day explaining how you operate, function, think your emotions, likes and dislikes etcetera you would definitely come prepared  to do teach without imperfections.
    First, you must get into your mind by taking some time alone to get to know yourself. Not by closing yourself off from people but by  isolating yourself meaning you need to first date you, be in an environment only with you so to speak. Honestly ask yourself do you consider yourself to be someone that you would interact with romantically. Notice the things that aggravate you, what sends you over the edge? Recognize them and correct that. What makes you happy? Does it correspond with an alpha male’s image or lifestyle? Ask yourself does this habit or personality trait make me a loser or a winner?
    See your flaws for what they are without any excuse to why they are. Watch yourself in that mental motion picture. Do you play a good role? Or do you play a great award winning role? A very important question to ask is am do I demand respect and adoration by my actions? Do I reach too hard for friendship am I a beggar.
    Do I handle myself like a man at all times or am I bowing down to please others who don’t reciprocate? You must at this point perfect every flaw concerning yourself. Am I giving enough to expect a response?
    Step out of the game of dating and socializing for a moment to learn who you are. Consider this to be a training exercise. After you have documented some facts about yourself try to improve on the areas that are most detrimental to you becoming an alpha male.
    If you do this correctly you will start to gain a better insight of who you are and what it is you need and want from someone else. You’d be very surprised at how different your goals will be after evaluating yourself first.
    An alpha male often times have to change his personality or outward appearance sometimes in certain situations such as not to come off too intimidating maybe around a certain person of power for instance, or whatever the case may be knowing yourself first is going to be the key of doing so correctly and returning back to who you are who you were.
    In most cases when some people get to a higher status in life if you were to ask their closes friends or relatives about who they were before the success or fame the majority of them will tell you about someone totally different. Those men never truly knew who they were or who they
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