Hot Demon Nights

Hot Demon Nights Read Online Free PDF

Book: Hot Demon Nights Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elle James
less than steady.
    The rattle of the doorknob ripped me out of the afterglow. My feet hit the floor as the deadbolt clicked open.
    Blaise and I dove behind the couch, and I landed on top of him as the door swung open.
    “Thanks for dinner, Letty.” A male voice echoed in the hallway outside the apartment.
    “See ya later?” a woman asked, her voice low and suggestive.
    “Can’t. I’ll call you.” The door to the apartment closed.
    My breasts pressed into Blaise’s chest, my legs straddled his waist, bringing me far too close to his stiff erection. The adrenaline pumping through my veins did nothing to quell the desire still lingering even after my mind-blowing orgasm.
    His hand slid over the back of my thigh.
    My breath caught and held as the sound of footsteps edged toward us.
    I waited for the light to blink on, but it didn’t. Whoever had entered, moved around in the dark, heading into the single bedroom. The sound of a zipper sliding made my head jerk up.
    Bet he’s packing to leave.
    For once I didn’t argue with Blaise’s ability to speak into my mind.
    I eased off him, giving him the room to turn over and be ready in case we had to run. I wondered if I should stand up and confront the man or wait and follow him. Considering we had entered Marcus’s apartment uninvited, there was no telling how he’d react if we confronted him.
    Wait and follow.
    I low-crawled to the edge of the couch and peered around.
    I could just make out the silhouette of a man in the dim light streaming through the bedroom window. He was flinging clothing and valuables into a backpack with more haste than care. When he was done, he jerked the zipper around and flung a strap over his shoulder. Then he was out the door of the apartment all in the space of two minutes.
    I leaped to my feet, but Blaise beat me to the door. Footsteps pounded down a back staircase.
    “He’s headed out the back,” I whispered, hurrying in that direction.
    I rushed down the steps after Marcus. Blaise circled around me and took the steps two at a time, arriving at the bottom much faster.
    Marcus had exited the building into a back alley moments before.
    We got outside, and I could see Marcus twenty yards away. He spun to face the door when he heard us open it, then whirled and ran. I tore out after him. We couldn’t let him get away. So far he was the only person who could tell us where the bodies had been taken and who was turning them into zombies.
    At the end of the alley, Marcus cut to the left, ducking out of sight.
    My heart raced and I prayed I’d pick up his trail as soon as I rounded the corner.
    Blaise and I arrived at the corner at the same time. Marcus was nowhere in sight.
    Half a block away was a narrow alley between the buildings, to the left and the right of the street. When we got there, Blaise broke off and ran left. I ran right, my breath coming in gasps, my muscles burning. Another turn led to yet another alley. I stopped, held my breath and listened. The sound of someone slamming into a chain-link fence galvanized my efforts and I ran in that direction. Rounding a corner, I entered an alley dead-ending at a ten-foot high fence. A man carrying a backpack teetered at the top, his leg flung over the other side.
    I drew the gun from my shoulder holster and pointed it at the man. “Stop, or I’ll shoot!” As soon as I said the words, I regretted them. The threat would only scare him into trying harder to get away.
    “Marcus, I’m not going to shoot. You don’t have to run.” I tried to reassure him. I had no intention of hurting him. “We just want to talk to you.”
    Too late. Marcus’s momentum carried him over the fence, and he was dropping to the other side when his backpack caught on the jagged top edge of the fence. For a moment he hung suspended by the straps. As he fought to free himself, one strap loosened, tilting his body sharply to the left. The other arm worked free, but by then he was falling at a bad angle.
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