briefing late in the afternoon. “I have set the legionaries to felling some trees.” Cominius looked at Marcus and tapped the side of his nose. Marcus merely shrugged. “We begin the crossing at first light. We will cross there.” He gestured to the narrowest point between the mainland and the island. Marcus estimated it about fifteen hundred paces. Not far to punt a raft.”
Cassius spoke up. “What opposition can we expect?”
“The barbarians appear to have moved from the shore but we estimate their numbers to be the same as we fought yesterday. The difference will be, Prefect, that we will attack without the legionaries.” The shock in the meeting was visible in all the faces except for Marcus. The legionaries were the elite, the cutting edge of any attack it was madness to leave your best troops cooling their heels.
“But sir.”
“Trust me prefect. Trust me.” He glanced over to Marcus. “The Decurion does not appear to be perturbed, why are you?”
“Well… it is not normal to attack with just auxiliaries when there are legionaries available.”
“As it is not normal to fight with dismounted cavalry or uphill or any of the things we have done. Do you not see Prefect Sura that it is by doing the unexpected that we will win? They have learned over the years how we fight and they count on us fighting the same way. Make sure your men are well rested for the success of the invasion lies with them.”
As they left Marcus turned with a wry smile, “I wish I had put some denari on the general’s decision.”
“You have the gift Marcus, you can foretell the future.”
“No Cassius but I am coming to know our general. I think we will succeed tomorrow.”
Decius and Agrippa were not too certain when Marcus briefed them. “I don’t know sir. I mean he has been lucky so far but I hate boats and a raft is not even a boat it is just a log that floats.”
Julius and some of the younger decurions were quite excited. “I think they will get a surprise when we suddenly arrive on the beach.”
“It might be fine for us but what about the horses. Some of them are jittery at the best of times and a raft is fairly unstable.”
“Stop speculating.” They all looked at Marcus. “We don’t even know it is a raft. It may be something else entirely.”
Decius smiled, “A bridge! It could be a bridge. Now a bridge I don’t mind.”
Just then Cominius came hurrying past after a meeting with Agricola. He was grinning. He gestured for Marcus to join him. “I have been sworn to secrecy but I can tell you Marcus it isn’t a bridge and it isn’t a raft. I have to go and choose a couple of likely lads I have a job for them.” Marcus deemed it unnecessary to frighten Decius any more than he was already.
The next morning as dawn broke over the snowy tops of Wyddfa, Marcus led his men down to the beach. Marcus apart, they were all expecting to see rafts constructed by the legionaries. It was a shock to see that the straits were empty apart from two ropes about half a mile apart which went from the mainland to the Mona shore. Peering into the gloom, Decius expressed the views of most of the troopers. “Does he think we can do a tightrope walk over that?”
Laughing Marcus pointed across the straits to where eight armed Batavians stood guard at each end of the two ropes. “Look. The Batavians have secured them I think we are going to get wet. Dismounting Marcus led his horse to the water’s edge to where the general awaited.
“Ah Decurion. From your expression I think you have deduced what we intend to do?”
“Yes sir but I think it has come as a bit of a shock to my lads. Should I tell them or do you want that pleasure?”
“Your command Marcus, you tell them but be quick about it. I want the men in the water as soon as they are informed. The infantry auxiliaries will be going on either side of you. You and your horses will go in the middle.”
“Right sir.”
Turning to his men