cream, she backed out
of the door feeling embarrassed for no obvious reason. She noticed Jackson was
carrying an almost empty coffee cup. "Good morning. Can I pour you a refill?"
"Sure thing." He looked at the carton in
her hand. "I drink mine black."
She reached for the coffee pot and while she
refilled his cup, she asked, "What time do you usually get up?"
"I'm up by five everyday except Sunday. I sleep
in on that day…at least until six." He grinned and lifted his refill to
his lips.
"What time would you like me to start work in
the mornings?"
"Annie, that's entirely up to you. I'll
just take you on a tour and then you can make all the executive decisions. Come
on. Bring your coffee with you."
"Okay." Ann followed him through the
hall and back to the living room. She was curious about the beautiful furniture
in the house, and after he led her through the oval opening into the formal
dining room, she asked, "Did the furniture come with the house? Oh, if
that's being nosy, please forgive me, I didn't think before I spoke."
Jackson laughed, "Annie, you're adorable—always
so polite. Most of it was purchased with the house. Tommy and Gertie decided
when they sold the place they wanted to start over like newlyweds. They bought
a little cabin in the woods and the last time I visited were as happy as ticks
on a dog. Of course, they own thousands of acres in West Texas and could build
another ranch any time they want. But, so far, according to Tommy, fishin' and
makin' love to his wife is all he has a hankerin' to do."
Ann felt her face turn pink at Jackson's frankness.
She followed him back to the living room and down a long hallway. He opened the
first door, "There are four bedrooms in the house and three open off this
Ann entered the lovely room with floral
wallpaper and a view of pastures.
Jackson said, "This is the only guest room
with its own bathroom. It's a bit over-the-top for my taste, so maybe you can
come up with some ideas to tone down the frou-frou. Sometimes a macho buddy of
mine visits from New York and…well, he looks ridiculous in this frilly room."
Ann smiled. Ideas were already popping into her head.
She followed Jackson to the next two bedrooms,
both across the hall with views of the mountains. The main bathroom was next to
the frou-frou bedroom. The hallway ended at an intersecting one that only turned
to the left. He entered that hallway and walked to ornate double doors.
Swinging the doors open, he said, "This is my haven."
Ann caught her breath. The room was built to
take advantage of two views. On one side, huge windows looked across the
pasture to pine trees and her small cottage. On the opposite side, the windows
opened to mountain views. She walked to the windows facing the pasture and
touched the expensive window covering.
"Those coverings allow me to see out, but
no one can see in. If I want, I can darken them."
She turned to see Jackson pick up a remote and
touch a button. The back windows magically darkened. He touched another button
and the front windows darkened. All she could see was his outline. Being in a
darkened bedroom with Jackson made Ann's heart race and forbidden images
flittered across her imagination—images of her and Jackson enjoying each other.
She blushed.
Suddenly, both windows lightened and she could
see outside again. Jackson was speaking, "The bathroom is this way."
She walked past his huge bed, refusing to let
her eyes focus on it, and followed him into a beautiful spa bathroom. "It's
lovely," she gasped.
"I thought you'd appreciate it. Most women
do…er..." He didn't finish his sentence. She noticed his tan deepen.
Standing in the entrance, she didn't know where to look first—huge Jacuzzi tub
or smoky-glass shower or built in vanity or enclosed garden or stained glass
"The closet is through here." Jackson
opened another intricately carved door at the back of the bathroom. When he flipped
the switch for the recessed lighting and