Hold on Tight

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Book: Hold on Tight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stephanie Tyler
tugged her along like they were teenagers on a date.
    She and Mike had never done PDA, not so much out of concern for their jobs, but because that wasn’t who they were. With Chris, his touching her seemed as natural as breathing.
    “I want to see you again, after we get home,” he told her when the elevator doors opened.
    “I don’t know if what we’ve got between us is anything more than sex and danger.” She pulled her hand from his. “When I’m with you, I want to be reckless. And I don’t think that’s good for me.”
    He nodded, slowly. “You may be able to lie to yourself pretty well, but don’t bother trying to lie to me.” He remained facing her as he backed into the elevator. “You should never turn your back on a second chance.”
    She didn’t move until the doors closed completely and then she turned away reluctantly and headed to her room alone.
    Second chances. She’d had more than her share over the years. Whether or not she was open to another remained to be seen.
    Her cell phone, which had been tossed aside earlier, was ringing when she returned to the room. After a second of fumbling under the bed, she fished it out of her jacket pocket and answered. “Michaels.”
    It was her supervisor, Lou Carter. “Michaels, I’ve read your report. We’ve gotten further intel that makes it necessary for you to revisit the case. You’re going with Chris Waldron on the transport to get him back to the States.”
    “What’s going on?”
    “Waldron’s under investigation, along with Cameron Moore. You’ll take both men’s statements again.”
    “What are they under investigation for?”
    “Josiah Miller was killed before the explosion. Single bullet to the head.”
    “Why does that implicate Chris Waldron and Cameron Moore?”
    “According to what I’m seeing in your report, Josiah Miller gave the order that no one was to go into the embassy. Mark went in against Josiah’s orders.”
    “Once Mark went into the embassy, the remaining three men took a vote—Cam and Chris decided to go in and Chris said Josiah joined them in the end at the embassy,” she explained, the way Chris had told it to her.
    “Then why was Josiah Miller killed by a single sniper shot, right between the eyes? Why was his body found nowhere near the explosion sight, with no signs of being taken down by the blast?”
    Her breath caught for a second. “I don’t know, sir.”
    “Well, you’re going to find out. ASAP.”
    There were two things Chris knew well: his rifle and a woman’s body. With either, he could spend hours studying their intricacies, their individual quirks and hot spots … their flaws.
    He knew when either one was going to jam up and let him down or settle in to give him the shot of his life. Rifles and women—he loved them both, and not necessarily in that order.
    His fingertips had itched from the second he’d touched Jamie’s bare skin, from when he’d pressed his lips to the pulse point on her neck and smoothed his palm across her belly.
    For fuck’s sake, Jamie was pregnant.
    Chris let that news settle into his post-orgasm, still half-sedated brain as he caught a ride back to the base hospital. He would’ve walked, because he needed air, but midnight and Africa, weapon or no weapon, didn’t mix well.
    The baby was his—had to be.
    Jamie didn’t even know herself. He couldn’t explain how he knew, except for the fact that he came from a long line of gypsies and midwives, had been raised around women in labor until it became the most natural thing in the world to him. He’d delivered so many impromptu babies himself it had become a running joke not to let any woman past her eighth month come into contact with him. Add to that the fact that both his momma and his dad were honest-to-goodness psychics, evidenced by the fact that neither he nor his brothers could ever get away with shit growing up, and yeah, he was always right about things like that.
    She wasn’t quite glowing
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