History of the Vampire (The Vanderlind Castle Series Book 4)

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Book: History of the Vampire (The Vanderlind Castle Series Book 4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gayla Twist
    Lilly and Walter took the lead, walking side-by-side and rather close together. Lev kept his pace even with mine and began talking, so I did my part to try to listen. His conversation seemed to focus mostly on football, which made listening more of a challenge. I had no idea why anyone would be so interested in a bunch of grown men running up and down a field chasing after a ball. It’s seemed oddly childish to me, as if Lev still enjoyed playing with blocks or flying paper airplanes. But he didn’t ask me any questions, so it was easy enough to pretend to be interested. All I had to do was nod every few sentences and to smile whenever he paused to look in my direction. But I did find it remarkably rude that Lev had not taken the trouble to ask me one question about myself. I knew I was just a girl in high school, so chances were good I didn’t have too much to say that a man of twenty would find interesting, but good manners seemed to dictate that he at least try to ask me about myself.
    Seated at the counter at Top’s, everyone seemed to be having a good time. Everyone but me, of course. Lilly and Walter were laughing and chatting and generally making themselves cozy. Lev stopped yammering at one point and took a long pull on his soda. I could easily imagine that his throat was dry. I felt it was probably my turn to say something, but I really hadn’t been paying enough attention to keep our current thread of conversation going. So I decided I might as well bring up something I found interesting for a change.
    “Who are some of your favorite authors?” I was bold enough to inquire.
    “Authors?” Lev all but sputtered on his drink.
    “Yes,” I said, not sure why my question was being treated as so shocking; I hadn’t ask him the brand of briefs he preferred. “Who do you like to read?”
    “I don’t,” he told me, wrinkling his nose in disgust, as if I’d just asked him what dress he liked to wear. “I read the paper and maybe an owner’s manual now and then, but I never read for pleasure.” He pulled another face. “Why would I?”
    That was it. I wanted to go home. Lev may have been handsome and well-built, but reading was one of my favorite things in the whole world and I could never be interested in a boy who not only did not read, but ridiculed me for taking enjoyment in it. I immediately gave up all attempts at trying to pay attention to the words coming out of Lev’s mouth and started covertly watching the clock behind the counter. We had to be home by nine, so that meant leaving Top’s by eight-forty at the latest. The end of my first official date with a boy couldn’t come soon enough.
    Chapter 6
    “Stick out your tongue, young man,” the doctor instructed and I did as I was told. “Yes, it’s as I expected,” the doctor said after taking several moments to examine my mouth and throat. “It’s definitely scarlet fever. Quite a bad case, I’m afraid.”
    “How soon will he be able to travel?” my grandfather asked.
    After months of packing, shipping and attending farewell parties, we were to leave Budapest in five days and I didn’t even feel like I could get out of bed. My head ached fiercely and my throat was so sore I could barely even swallow a little broth. There was a red rash covering most of my body. It itched something fierce, but I was usually too tired to scratch.
    The doctor gave Grandfather an astonished look. “I’m not sure you understand the current health of this young man,” he said in a low, yet serious voice. “He will not be able to do anything but rest for at least a month.” Then, glancing at my mother, he added, “I do not wish to alarm you, but there is a chance that he might not recover if he isn’t treated with great care.”
    “What are you on about?” Grandfather
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