His Strings to Pull
understanding backlighting her eyes as her gaze moved over Jenny’s face. “Oh, my God. You had sex,” she blurted out.
    From the end of the table Matt James lifted his head, and Jenny put her finger over her lips to quiet her friend. “Shh,” she said, unable to hold in a chuckle. “Matt will hear you.”
    Sky waved a dismissive hand toward Matt. “Don’t worry about Matt. He’s trustworthy and won’t say anything.”
    Jenny took note of the way Matt was watching Sky, the way he always watched Sky. “Speaking of Matt, have you two ever…you know.”
    “No,” Sky said. “We’re just friends. We go way back. But never mind that, this is about you, not me and Matt.”
    She gave Sky a wry look. “Well, it’s kind of about Matt.”
    Sky’s eyes widened, her glance going from Jenny to Matt back to Jenny. “What, did you sleep with Matt? Why am I just finding out about this now?”
    “No, no. It’s not Matt.”
    Sky crinkled her nose and shook her head. “I don’t get it, then how is it about Matt?”
    She pitched her voice low, leaned in and whispered, “I slept with his best friend.”
    Sky opened her mouth, then closed it again, like she couldn’t get the words out. Then she finally asked, “You slept with Ving?”
    Jenny nodded eagerly. “Last night. I met him at the pool and we went out on a date. It all happened so fast I didn’t even have time to tell you.” She grabbed Sky’s hand. “I’m sort of crazy about him, Sky.”
    The smile fell from Sky’s face. “Really?”
    “Yeah, why?” Jenny asked, a nervous sensation invading her gut.
    Sky twirled her apron strings around her fingers, a familiar habit when she had something on her mind. “Nothing, it’s just…”
    “Just what?”
    She brushed her bangs from her face, and rolled one shoulder. “He’s really good looking, and…”
    “And?” Jenny pressed.
    “And, well, he’s very popular with the girls, if you know what I mean.” Sky looked around the bar, taking note of all the pretty girls working the room. “He’s been in here a few times to see Matt since he’s been back from overseas, and the girls are all over him. He’s like nectar to the honey bee.”
    A knot tightened in Jenny’s stomach and she let go of Sky’s hand. “Yeah but that doesn’t mean he sleeps around,” she said, feeling very defensive. “He told me he didn’t.”
    Sky let loose a slow breath. “Guys will say anything to get what they want, Jenny.” She grabbed Jenny’s hand and squeezed. “Look, all I’m saying is I want you to be careful. You know I love you and want you to be happy, but sometimes you can be so trusting.”
    It was true. She could be very trusting. But still, Ving wasn’t like that, right?
    Dark lashes blinked over concerned eyes. “I love that you jump into things head first, and love your enthusiasm for life, but this time I think you should take it slow, okay?”
    Jenny swallowed, because slow didn’t even begin to describe what she was doing with Ving.
    “Okay,” she said, even though she knew it was too late for that. Sky gave her a hug and turned her attention to the patrons at the bar. Jenny glanced around the room and her heart pounded as she thought about her night with Ving. He was so sweet, so caring, so amazing. Everything in her gut told her she could trust him. That he wasn’t the kind of guy to say whatever it took to get a girl into bed.
    Then again, she’d been wrong before, and she couldn’t forget that he didn’t want to go back to his place last night, and tonight he said he couldn’t see her because he had to babysit the kids. Was it possible that he had something to hide and didn’t want her there? Maybe she should have called Garrett to ask about him. But she never felt the need to because Ving seemed so honest and open in everything he did and said. She thought about calling him now, but a part of her didn’t want to, because she wanted to believe in Ving.
    Many hours later, after helping
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