His Every Move

His Every Move Read Online Free PDF

Book: His Every Move Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kelly Favor
    The house was a shadowy presence above her as she started ascending the hill, and it felt like someone inside was looking down at her, laughing and laughing.
    All of her good humor was gone. Now, Kallie was simply grim faced with determination, driving upwards at a sharp angle, feeling like she might simply fall backwards off the face of the earth.
    When she finally reached the top, she was so nervous that she came within seconds of turning around and going home without ever delivering the necklace.
    “Calm down,” she said aloud, but that made things seem even worse.
    Talking to oneself was what crazy, desperate people did, she thought.
    Get yourself together, Kallie.
    Eventually, determination won out and Kallie slowly drove the final few yards to Hunter’s castle.
    When she arrived, she was surprised to see two cars in the driveway that she didn’t even recognize. At first, she reasoned that Hunter might have bought something new, but then she decided it was unlikely. After all, neither vehicle was quite flashy enough for his tastes.
    Those cars belonged to someone else. One of them likely belonged to the woman who was staying with him.
    That thought gave Kallie a strong twinge of jealousy, which she pushed away.
    She rolled down her window as she pulled up to his mailbox. Either way, she thought, it doesn’t matter. I’m going to quickly get rid of this piece of junk that he tried to make me believe meant something, and then I’m going to drive away from this haunted house as quickly as I can.
    She took the necklace in hand and opened the mailbox.
    Now put it in, she told herself.
    That’s when she heard the man screaming.
    “Open the fucking door, Scarlett, or so help me God I’m going to kick it in.”
    The man’s voice was powerful and deep, and immediately her skin broke into gooseflesh.
    Kallie held onto the necklace as she craned her neck to see who was yelling. Just around the corner, she could see the shadow of a man. The shadow was large, but that might just be the effect of the angle of the sun, Kallie thought.
    But then he backed slightly away from the house and she saw that he was, indeed, large and as frightening as he sounded.
    No, he was even worse.
    The man was big, bulky, with shaggy brown hair and a goatee. He wore baggy jeans, construction boots, and a flannel shirt rolled up to the elbows. He must have been well over six feet and two hundred pounds. He was shielding his eyes from the sun and staring up at the terrace. “Come down here, Scarlett. I’m dead serious. Don’t make me knock the shit out of you.”
    Kallie put the phone to her ear and started dialing 911, but didn’t get the chance to complete the call.
    Just then, the large man spotted her. He was probably ten or fifteen yards away, but it felt like much less.
    “Hey, what are you doing?” he said, with a note of alarm mixed in with his anger.
    Kallie took the chance to be the aggressor. Show no fear, she told herself, or this will end badly.
    “I just called the police,” she lied, the quiver in her voice betraying her frayed nerves. “They’re on their way.”
    The man stared across at her, as if trying to determine the likelihood that she was lying, and whether or not he was fast enough to get to her car in the meantime. “You fucking bitch.”
    She smiled at him, despite the hammering of her heart in her chest. “Tell it to the cops when they get here. I’m sure they’ll be sympathetic to your hatred of women.”
    He grinned back at her, but his smile had all the friendliness of a hammerhead shark. “That’s all right, baby. I can see your license plate as good as you can see mine.”
    He glanced up at the terrace again and squinted, seeming not to find what he was hoping for. Then he muttered something inaudible, got in his car, and started to leave.
    Kallie’s heart was already racing, but it sped faster when the man slowed down as he exited the driveway. He was probably just a foot or two away
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