His Bidding (The Best Medicine #1)
of Sapporo instead of water.”
    “You have bottles of that just laying around, do you?” She laughed again as she reached for the chopsticks he’d laid down neatly beside her container. There was a communal box of noodles between them that made this whole lunch feel even more oddly intimate than it already had. Throwing any concern about being messy about it to the wind, she grasped a few of them with expert skill and managed to get them into her mouth with reasonable grace. Sam looked impressed.
    “A patient brought me a case as a gift a few months ago. Haven’t had the chance to crack it open yet.” He sat in his desk chair and eyed his own chopsticks before looking at her. “So...you’re an expert at these things, I see?”
    She hadn’t thought about it, but once he asked she realized what he was getting at. She stifled a giggle. “Lots of practice in college,” she said. “It took some getting used to.”
    “Yeah. I can imagine.” He looked at the sticks again, balefully, then met Brynn’s gaze once more. “How...?”
    He was seriously asking her how to use chopsticks? She allowed the giggle to surface and held up her right hand. “If you just put your thumb here...and move your index finger...”
    She gave him step-by-step instructions, willfully ignoring how every word sounded, and trying not to notice how beautiful his hands were, like those of an artist. But for all the dexterity he’d shown with her stethoscope earlier, he was positively hopeless with eating implements. He watched her intently as she showed him how to balance the sticks properly, and still he couldn’t replicate her grasp.
    Without thinking, she set her own chopsticks on her napkin, got up and walked around his desk, taking his hand in hers. “Here,” she offered, repositioning his fingers until he had it right. “Like this.” The sensation of touching him was a heady one, and she found herself embarrassed that she’d taken such liberties all of a sudden, but he seemed more than happy. She wasn’t sure if it was just her lesson or her proximity that made him turn and look at her with that smile in his eyes.
    “Ah,” he said, not taking his gaze off her. “I see.”
    “You’ve got it now?” Her voice trembled ever so slightly as she moved away from him, feeling overwhelmed by desire. She couldn’t afford to be this stupid.
    “I don’t know,” he replied, and his voice sounded a bit odd, too. He finally looked away from her face for a moment and made an attempt at picking up the noodles in front of them. He almost made it, but as he brought his hand back he dropped his food on the blotter. When they both laughed, the tension broke. “Okay. That’s a ‘no,’ then.” He grinned, watching her return to her seat. “Do you mind if I use this instead?”
    She smiled and shook her head as he held up the plastic-wrapped fork that had come in the bag. The restaurant was definitely familiar with their customer. “I won’t judge you.”
    “Thanks for that.” He chuckled, and much to her surprise his cheeks turned slightly pink. She guessed it wasn’t often that he was on the receiving end of any sort of lesson, much less one he couldn’t pick up in seconds. She wasn’t sure if she’d committed a misstep by showing him up, though he wasn’t acting as though he minded. If anything he was acting...sort of the way she felt. A touch nervous. Eager to impress. All things she never imagined Dr. Samuel Hitchens experiencing.
    Attempting to even the playing field again, Brynn opted to forsake her chopsticks and reach into the nearest bag to fish out a plastic fork for her lunch. “It’s actually much neater this way,” she stated with a nod, glancing at him to gauge his reaction. He looked amused, and maybe a bit charmed himself.
    “You don’t have to slum it for me,” he replied with a chuckle. “I’ll just have to practice for next time.”
    Next time? Brynn’s mind spun for a moment as she considered whether
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