His Bacon Sundae Werewolf

His Bacon Sundae Werewolf Read Online Free PDF

Book: His Bacon Sundae Werewolf Read Online Free PDF
Author: Angelique Voisen
heard that
during his earlier days in the pack, Derrick had a body similar to his. He had
been an awkward and shy man too. He’d been constantly made fun of by the other
wolves for being a diabetic werewolf who didn’t eat meat. Well, Derrick was
still a diabetic, but he’d traded all that fat for muscle and having never lost
a fight, no one challenged him anymore.
    “Who the hell are
you?” Jealousy clearly coated Jules’s usual jovial voice.
    Pat could tell
because his laughing blue eyes were no longer laughing. Instead, they flickered
dangerously to amber, indicating he was losing control of his beast. Strangely,
his jealousy pleased Pat a great deal. Despite the poison from the silver
running through his bloodstream, both Pat and his wolf felt contented and
matter. We need to get Pat out,” Derrick said
briskly, about to walk over to free Pat, but Jules grabbed his shoulder.
    “It matters to
me,” Jules said tightly.
    Derrick’s dark
brows rose. “Does it now?”
    “Yes. I want to
know who you are to my mate.” The word mate was hissed in a single breath and a
shudder of pleasure ran down Pat’s spine. He whined.
    Derrick turned to
Pat, his eyes contemplative, then back to Jules’s
scowling face.
    “Cool it. You’re
lucky it’s me you met, lone wolf. If it were the Alpha or the other Betas, they
would’ve torn you apart without a second thought.”
    Jules bristled,
but Derrick placed a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll continue this discussion
later. For now, Pat’s our priority.”
    A look of guilt
crossed Jules’s face and that only made Pat let out another happy whine again.
Finally, the lone wolf had come to his senses and acknowledged him as his mate.
    “Is it my
imagination, or does he sound smug?” Jules finally said, bending down on the
other side of Pat.
    He pressed a hand
over Pat’s head and Pat grumbled his approval when he began scratching at his
ears. He couldn’t even feel the pain of the trap anymore, or the poison
sluggishly moving through his bloodstream.
    “No. It’s not your
imagination,” Derrick confirmed dryly. “Pat, stay still or we’ll never get this
trap off you.”

Chapter Five
    Jules realized he
could live like this, with Pat lying on his lap on the sofa. The chocolate
furred wolf had his head on Jules’s lap. His left paw was bandaged and healing
nicely. Jules sunk his fingers into the line of Pat’s back. Feeling his muscles
relax, Jules began to stroke it, amused when Pat let out a happy whine.
    Yes. It would’ve
been a lovely domestic arrangement.
    Jules could
imagine endless weekend afternoons or nights with Pat on his lap as they
watched TV, their take-out dinner and snacks scattered on the coffee table.
What would it be like, to finally have a permanent home and a caring mate who’d
take good care of him?
    A mate that would
run alongside him when the moon called and who’d cuddle beside him at night? It
had been a long time since Jules felt this content. He’d always been constantly
on the move since Cole’s death.
    That was the good
life…but was it for him? This wasn’t his or Pat’s living room they were sitting
in, but Derrick’s. The apartment smelled of the other dominant Beta and it
irked Jules that it smelled a little of Pat too. Although Derrick said Pat was
only a friend who occasionally came over…
    “So. You’re Pat’s mate, eh?” The comment came from a tall and lanky man
with shaggy brown hair.
    He was dressed in jeans
and a ratty T-shirt that had seen too many washes. At his arrival, Pat growled
softly at his lap. The man shrugged and settled on the armchair beside the
    “Potential mate,”
Jules corrected. “Are all the wolves in the New Haven pack this nosy?”
    “Says the nosy
stranger who’s crashing in our apartment,” he snorted.
apartment?” Jules asked hopefully.
    “Yeah. Sorry, didn’t introduce myself earlier. I’m Jack, Derrick’s mate.”
Unexpected relief filled
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