who wanted to be loved.
That was a yearning Deirdre suffered the harsh burn of every night she lay in a narrow bed which was devoid of any human touch. She understood what it was like to be forced to be alone, because Melor had stolen any future happiness from her and condemned her to a cold future with his need to strike out at Connor Lindsey through her.
Yes, she understood the pain of being used because of who she was connected to.
“How would I help ye do that?”
Joan’s smile became one of satisfaction and cunning. “By riding off at first light dressed as me. Those hunting me might be distracted and follow you.” The queen sighed. “I am asking much, I know. But you tell me of the reason why you are here so plainly that I suspect you of having the courage to test yourself against the odds. To take your fortune into your own hands in spite of all those who warn you to keep your eyes lowered and stay in the place they tell you is yours. I’ve committed sins, but I have loved, and it was worth it.”
Joan stopped and drew in a deep breath. “If you are content here, forgive me for asking, but I am desperate to join the man I want to wed.”
Deirdre’s thoughts raced faster than a river in spring. Excitement surged through her at just the idea of feeling a horse beneath her while she let the animal take her across the hills fast enough to feel the wind burning her cheeks.
But there would be no returning to the abbey. Falling from grace once might be forgiven with enough penitence. Any further deviations from the path of righteousness might see her barred from the holy house out of fear she’d poison the others with her wicked ways.
Joan stepped forward, reaching out to clasp her hand once again. This time the queen stroked the back of it with slow, soothing motions.
“I would not forget your service to me. Help me reach the man I shall wed, and you will never long for a place to call your own. I swear it.”
Joan’s hand was smooth compared to hers. Deirdre felt every rough patch of skin as the queen’s fingers gently moved over the top of her hand. Every cut and sore spot made itself known, while her back suddenly complained bitterly about how many hours she had been bent over in her quest to endure what was being demanded of her.
But that wasn’t the true reason she began to nod with agreement. It was the memory of Melor Douglas, the man she had fallen in love with, sneering at her. He’d shown her first what it was like to be looked upon as worthless. Her pride had carried her away from him and his demand that she be his whore because she had already given him her purity.
She’d loved him, in a foolish manner, but it had been affection that sent her into his arms and the promise that he would seek her father’s permission to wed her. She’d been stupid to give him her virginity before she saw him shake her father’s hand, but there was still part of her that wasn’t sorry she had found the courage to embrace the man she had chosen. Joan was correct. Deirdre was bold enough to face the unknown, if the reason was something she could believe in.
“I will help ye.”
There was solid conviction edging each word, because she might own nothing, but she had her pride. The narrow cot waiting in the dark offered nothing but an icy future full of others condemning her for her choices. She suddenly realized she resented the fact that Kaie had been allowed to embrace her love for God, while she was being berated for love. Kaie had defied tradition and the match their laird father arranged for her as well, yet Kaie had respect. She’d take her chances with the opportunity at hand. After all, she was a Highlander.
Deirdre nodded again. “Indeed I shall assist ye. I hope ye keep yer word, for it will cost me my place here, and my father has already given the church my dowry.”
The queen beamed at her. “You shall not regret it. If you are caught, no one will keep you, for you are not me. I have