High Energy

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Book: High Energy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dara Joy
boring?" His heated breath teased against her.
    "No, it's The Hogs," she murmured sleepily, turning unconsciously toward his
    He was amused by both her response and her action; she was just short of
    snuggling into him. He casually put his arm around her, drawing her closer,
    pitching his voice low. "I beg your pardon?"
    "The Hogs were on the prowl last night—God, you smell good." She promptly fell
    back asleep.
    Hogs? What hogs? He looked askance at the sleeping bundle of woman in his arms.
    Curiouser and curiouser, he thought. And soft. Definitely soft.
    He decided he liked the feel of her sleeping in his arms.
    She awoke toward the end of the movie, mortified to find herself burrowed into
    Tyber's chest. Worse yet, she had managed to fit her head into the crook of his
    neck, her forehead flush against the warm skin of his throat. His chin was
    resting on the top of her head as he watched the movie; his arm was casually
    draped across her shoulders.
    This was so unprofessional of her! Thank God the rest of the group were
    scattered throughout the darkened theater. Hopefully, they were too engaged in
    the movie to pay any attention to the two of them.
    Damn! How could she ever expect the man to take her seriously now? He'd never
    give her the interview she wanted. And how did one extricate oneself from such a
    position gracefully?
    Tyber's hand slowly rubbed her back, causing her to instantly stiffen.
    "I know you're awake," he said into her hair.
    "Can we pretend I didn't do this?" she asked in a small voice against his chest.
    "Of course not." His husky tone held more than a hint of amusement.
    Zanita quickly disengaged herself, affronted. "That's not very chivalrous of
    Tyber did not seem particularly concerned about chivalry. "Do you often fall
    asleep in a public place in the arms of the person next to you?"
    Before she could summon up a suitable retort, he grinned wickedly at her. "You
    talk in your sleep."
    Zanita flushed, opened her mouth like a fish, then closed it. What had she said?
    Oh, God. Would he even tell her? Those damn Hogs!
    She wisely stayed silent until the end of the picture, sitting ramrod straight
    in her chair, trying desperately not to look embarrassed.
    When the movie ended Tyber took her hand as if he had every right to, leading
    her out to the mall court.
    "Relax, Curls, you didn't say anything too revealing." He scratched his chin in
    thought. "Except for the part about the sexual aids hidden in a shoebox under
    your bed."
    She stopped and stared at him, horrified.
    He laughed out loud. "It was just a lucky guess, really."
    She tried to tug her hand away from him; he held firm.
    "I have no such thing! You're terrible—"
    "That's not what you said in your sleep," he teased.
    She blushed crimson. Considering her shameless thoughts about him, she might
    have said anything. Anything at all. She ran her fingers through her hair in a
    nervous gesture. Forget the interview; this was too embarrassing to be endured.
    What must the man think of her?
    "L-Look,Tyber, I really have to get going; it's late."
    "Oh, no you don't." He laced his fingers through hers. "You're not running away.
    You tried that once before with me, and it didn't work."
    "Please, Doctor Evans… this is so embarrassing."
    "You do seem to have a penchant for getting yourself into situations." He smiled
    remorselessly at her while maintaining his firm hold on her hand.
    "I do not!" His disbelieving look compelled a modicum of honesty. "Okay; so
    sometimes I get myself into sticky—what did I say to you?" she demanded.
    "You didn't say all that much in your sleep, Zanita." He thought it tactful to
    leave out her comment about how good he smelled. "Although I have to ask myself
    why you're so nervous about what you think you might have said."
    "You rat!" She blurted out before thinking. "You let me think I—" She stopped
    abruptly, realizing what she had almost revealed.
    "You were about to say?" He raised an eyebrow
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