HH02 - A Reclusive Heart
Heart series?" Dana Pierce asked with a deadly
    serious expression.
    Wow, Jamie thought, Dana Pierce heard about her books. That was pretty cool. Maybe she had some advice or something
    about her books. Of course she probably only heard about her series from Rick. Jamie really doubted someone like Dana
    Pierce actually read her work.
    "That's her," Nick said casually.
    Dana's jaw dropped.
    Jamie became worried.
    "Honey? Are you okay?" Edward asked.
    Not bothering to answer, Dana rushed towards her scaring the crap out of her. Dana took Jamie's hands into hers as she
    gushed, "I am such a huge fan of yours! Oh my god, you have to sign something!"
    Chapter 4
    "You know, you don't have to do this," Jamie mumbled.
    The two women who'd practically dragged her here, slowly turned around, looking horrified. "I love makeovers!" Amy
    Benet, Edward Pierce's baby sister, gushed.
    Dana chuckled. "She's just hoping we let her out of this." She gave Jamie a warm smile. "Don't worry. This will be fun."
    Jamie wasn't so sure of that as she glanced past the two women towards the open floor of the upscale beauty parlor.
    "Besides Rerum Publishing is paying for this so I say enjoy it," Dana said with a firm nod.
    Amy quickly agreed, making her fight back a smile. These two women were nothing like she expected. Never in a million
    years had she expected that Dana Pierce would drag through her house to her private office so that Jamie could autograph a
    piece of paper for her. Nor did she expect Dana to call her sister-in-law and brag rather excitedly that J.L. Lewis was in her
    house. That of course made the other woman screech and demand that no one move until she got there.
    Now they were embarking on what could only be described as a day of torture. The other two women argued with Nick
    for over an hour about what needed to be done. When Nick explained what he wanted done she frowned along with the other
    two women. Even Edward Pierce looked a little confused. The way he explained it she could have sworn he expected her to
    turn out nerdish.
    Thankfully the other two women shot him down. When he argued, Dana enlisted the help of her three boys and little girl to
    chase a laughing Nick out of the house with water guns. The new game plan now was hair, makeup, laser eye surgery if it
    turned out she was a candidate and then clothes.
    Jamie didn't have much hope, but didn't say anything. She knew she wasn't pretty. Caitlyn was the pretty sister. Everyone
    always said so. Jamie was the smart one, the responsible one. It was the role she was born into and accepted it without
    complaint. Never once had she even considered, well not really at least, having a makeover. What was the point? There wasn't
    enough makeup in the world to turn this ugly duckling into a swan. No point in wasting her money.
    She didn't want to waste Rerum Publishing's money either, but the two women were so excited and happy to do this with
    her that she couldn't bring herself to tell them it was pointless. She just hoped when this was all over that they weren't too

Nick glanced at his watch as he stepped out of the car.
    "Shit," he muttered as he headed for the front door. It was a quarter to nine and he was more than two hours late in picking
    Jamie up. Dana was going to be pissed, but there was no helping it. He just spent the last eleven hours on the phone, computer
    and overseeing five assistants all so he could make J.L. Lewis' introduction to the world perfect, smooth.
    This was the big chance he'd been waiting for and he wasn't about to let anyone mess it up, not even J.L. Lewis herself,
    especially not J.L. This was his big break. This was his "Dana Pierce." When he was done, everyone was going to know who
    J.L. was and it would all be thanks to him.
    Before he got the chance to knock on the door it was pulled open. A disheveled looking Dana stood in the doorway with a
    silk pink robe wrapped around her body. Her lips were puffy and glistened
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