He's With Me

He's With Me Read Online Free PDF

Book: He's With Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tamara Summers
you like, Lexie?” Bree asked. “Any guys as cute as
    Jake? Don’t worry, I’m sure he won’t be jealous. Tell me your deep dark secret
    Yeah, that would be…Jake.
    “Um… I don’t know,” Lexie mumbled.”Maybe Jake Gyllenhaal.”
    Bree rolled her eyes. “Like we haven’t all heard that one before.”
    “Here, Lexie,” Jake said, and she realized he was saying her name a lot
    more than usually. He broke his cookie in half and handed her the bigger portion.
    “To make up for all those carrot sticks.”
    “Really?” Lexie said. She met his eyes as he handed her the cookie. He
    looked so worried, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling at him.
    “That is so cute,” Sally said, sliding onto the bench, next to Bree. “Ian totally refuses to share his food with me. I once ate a French fry off his plate when he
    had clearly finished eating, and he, like, didn’t speak to me for the rest of the
    “He’s probably helping you watch your weight.” Bree said nastily. “I’d say
    he’s doing you a favour.”
    Sally looked hurt. She stared down at her pizza, poking it with her plastic
    fork but not eating. Lexie wished she was brave enough to tell Sally that Bree was
    being crazy – and mean for no reason – but she was too afraid to butt into their
    conversation. Bree had enough reasons to hate her.
    “So what are you going to do for your afternoon activity?” Jake asked Lexie.
    She realized there were sign-up sheets on all the tables. The list of choices
    included more tennis ( no thanks ) leaning to papier-mâché ( maybe If I were still eight years old ), Ultimate Frisbee, and pool volleyball. Sadly, going home and watching TV with Colin was not on the list.
    “I don’t know,” Lexie said. “None of this is my idea of fun. I guess Frisbee
    sounds the least painful.”
    “Really?” Bree pounced. “I thought for sure you’d want to be with your
    boyfriend . Unless you don’t really want to hang out with him, but I’m sure that’s not true.”
    Lexie gave Jake a confused look, and he tapped POOL VOLLEYBALL with one
    finger. “I’m a team captain,” he said. “Cynthia – the woman in charge of pool
    activities – asked me to because I’ve had lifeguard training.”
    “Oh,” she said. Now what? On one hand, if she stuck with Frisbee, she
    wouldn’t be acting like a real girlfriend, would she? But on the other hand…pool
    volleyball meant a bathing suit. In front of Jake and worse, Bree. At least the red
    bikini was safely hidden under her bed at home.
    “Come on,” Jake said, taking one of her hands in both of his. “It’ll be fun.”
    “You don’t really want me on your team,” Lexie said. “I’m totally terrible.”
    “I know,” Jake said. “I want you on the other guy’s team.”
    Lexie swatted him with her free hand. “That is no way to talk to your
    girlfriend,” she said, forgetting for a moment that Bree was right there, intently
    watching them.
    “You’re right,” he said. “My apologies, sugar plum. I’m sorry, honey pie. I’ll
    never do it again, my little pumpkin. Is that better?”
    She wrinkled her nose at him. “I feel so edible all of a sudden.”
    “Cute enough to eat,” he said. Lexie looked down at the table, turning pink
    again. He didn’t have to overact quite so much. Bree would catch on if he kept
    being ridiculous.
    “Adorable,” Sally said, shaking her head. “I aspire to be that adorable.”
    Bree stood up, grabbed Sally’s arm, and yanked her away. As they hurried
    off, Lexie heard Bree whisper, “ Nauseating ,” just loudly enough for Lexie to hear.
    Lexie pulled her hand free and wrapped up the remains of her sandwich.
    Now that they were gone, how was she supposed to act?
    “I think it’s going well,” said Jake. “Don’t you?”
    “Um, sure,” Lexie said. In the sense of my not being literally dead yet,
    “You don’t really have to do volleyball if you don’t want to,” he
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