Heroes of Falledge Book One: Black Hellebore

Heroes of Falledge Book One: Black Hellebore Read Online Free PDF

Book: Heroes of Falledge Book One: Black Hellebore Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nicole Zoltack
Nicholas figured the liquid, whatever it was, was messing with the support structure somehow. He instinctively crouched down and grabbed the catwalk. The guy tried to do the same, but the catwalk shuddered again. With a scream, he fell and plunged into the green liquid.
    The scent of burning flesh filled the air. Nicholas used his shirt to cover his nose, but the smell plagued him. A billow of purple smoke rose from the now-pink liquid.
    The catwalk shifted again, and Nicholas almost fell. He crawled forward, holding tight to the bar whenever it moved beneath him, slowly making his way to the back of the room. He stepped onto a platform. The stench of melting flesh morphed, filling the air with the nasty perfume of death and decay.
    The form of a man struggled to break free of the goo coating his entire body. The mouth opened, his tongue white and thick, much puffier than normal. If he was trying to scream, Nicholas didn't hear it.
    Nothing could be done for him. In fact, there didn't seem to be much Nicholas could do for himself. The floor was completely covered. He hadn't realized until now, but the force of the liquid flowing out of the one tub must have been strong enough to knock over several more tubs. Green and pink liquids mixed on the floor, rising up the wall. Yet another tub buckled back and forth before crashing forward and dumping its contents, too.
    His breathing returned to normal. Nicholas glanced up. The ceiling loomed only inches from his head. There didn't seem to be any way down nor up. Then he saw his salvation -- a door in the ceiling that must lead to the roof.
    Unfortunately, it was all the way on the other side of the room, off to the right.
    Nicholas took a deep breath. Before he could climb back onto the catwalk, the building shuddered with a loud, worrisome groan. Although the floor was made of cement, the walls were the same metal as the catwalk. The spilled chemicals were already eating away at the wall. A huge bubble in the fuming liquid burst, and droplets sprayed as high as the catwalk. With a hiss, holes formed at the contact. More massive bubbles burst, and soon the catwalk resembled Swiss cheese.
    Wonderful. Not only did he have to make his way across a catwalk that looked ready to fall apart, he had to get out and find a way to safety before the entire building gave way.
    He jumped onto the catwalk and hurried forward as fast as he dared. The catwalk didn't seem to appreciate his added weight and groaned and moaned with each step. When the swaying increased to a threatening level, he hugged the beam, wrapping his arms and his legs around it.
    The catwalk beam to the left of him dipped down. With a cracking sound, it snapped in half. Nicholas looked away as metal debris flew toward him. He could feel some of them against his neck and the back of his hair. Hope none of them punctured my coat. His black trench coat was one of the few possessions that meant anything to him.
    Justina always thought he would look dashing in one. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to afford one until long after she passed away.
    Thinking of her gave him the courage to keep going, although he knew his chances of getting out of here alive were slim, and growing bleaker every second. Another catwalk broke a few seconds after another tub vomited its contents.
    The door was still feet away when Nicholas' catwalk began to groan. He hugged it, hoping it wouldn't break.
    It did.

Chapter Six
    The broken catwalk beam swung toward the wall with such force Nicholas feared it would break his arms. Before the catwalk could slam against the wall, he shifted, planting his feet so they connected with it first.
    The force of the collision vibrated throughout his entire body and made his teeth chatter as he dropped several feet down the catwalk. His feet dangled, and he slipped down even farther until his arms held onto the bottom of the broken beam.
    Inch by inch, he used his arms and once high enough, his legs, too, to climb the
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