Her Lone Wolves

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Book: Her Lone Wolves Read Online Free PDF
Author: Diana Castle
Tags: Romance, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Werewolves, Erotic Romance
    She frowned. She didn't like the tone of his voice. Not one bit. He was ordering her around again, but she also didn't want to stay in the kitchen. The tension between Caleb and Everett was as sharp as a knife.
    She moved past him and out into the dining room, where Avery was. As she set out the plates and utensils, she glanced back into the kitchen. Everett and Caleb were talking, but judging from the hostile expression on Caleb's face the conversation was anything but pleasant.
    “Don't mind them,” Avery said. “They're always butting heads.”
    Despite his words, however, Avery's eyes were worried and he kept glancing at the two men.
    “What is Everett to you and Caleb?” she asked.
    “Not quite sure what you mean by that. We've lived with Everett since our folks died. Me and Caleb were just babies when they passed.”
    “Oh, I'm sorry.”
    Avery shrugged. “I don't remember them. So I guess you could say Everett's been our surrogate father.”
    “But he doesn't look that much older than you. He must have been a teenager when your parents died.”
    Avery suddenly looked uncomfortable. “Yeah, well, Everett's always been good at taking care of others. It was no big matter for him to care for us too.”
    Before she could question him further, he went into the kitchen. Jane wanted to help him, but she didn’t want to go anywhere near Everett and Caleb. So she waited. She heard Avery ask them to bring in the rest of the food.
    They entered the dining room. Jane realized it was the first time she’d been in a room with all three. It was overpowering being in the presence of such tall virile men, and she found she couldn’t help being drawn to their intense masculinity.
    Caleb and Everett sat down. Avery, however, remained standing and looked over at her. She realized he was waiting for her to sit down first. She sat down then Avery took his seat.
    “Oh, I'm sorry,” Caleb said with overelaborate graciousness, “I forgot my manners.” He grinned devilishly at Jane. “It's been a spell since we had a lady to dinner. In fact, we ain't never actually had a lady to dinner. Have we, Everett?”
    Everett frowned darkly at him. “You need to stop jawing and start eating.”
    Caleb only laughed, but there was a sharp edge to his laughter that sent a chill down Jane’s spine. Avery, who sat next to her, passed her the platter of food first. She forked a thick, juicy steak onto her plate, along with a helping of golden-brown potatoes and some of the salad, which only she and Avery ate.
    The food was delicious and the three men ate in silence. Jane was starving so all she did was eat too, but there was a knot in her stomach because the tension between Everett and Caleb was still palpable. Once dinner was done, she helped Avery clear away the table. Everett and Caleb went into the living room. Jane couldn’t help wondering if they were going to continue their argument in there.
    “Dinner was very good,” she said as she helped him load the dishes into the dishwasher.
    Avery smiled. “Thanks.”
    “And thank you for washing and pressing my clothes for me. It was you, wasn't it?”
    Avery nodded and she was surprised to see a blush on his handsome face.
    “Do you do all the cooking?” she asked.
    “Yep. Someone's gotta do it. Or else we'd wind up having to—” Avery stopped and cleared his throat. “I don't mind. As I said someone has to do it. You won't catch either Everett or Caleb messing around in the kitchen. Not unless Caleb's in here looking for beer.”
    “Why not?”
    Avery looked over at her, his hazel eyes wide. “Because it's women's work.”
    “Women's work? Cooking isn't women's work. It's just work. Is that why Caleb treats you the way he does? Because he thinks cooking and cleaning is women's work and that lessens you in some way?”
    Avery shrugged. “I don't know half of why Caleb does what he does.”
    “But you're twins. Don’t twins usually have some kind of psychic
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