Her Avenging Angel (Her Angel Romance Series Book 7)

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Book: Her Avenging Angel (Her Angel Romance Series Book 7) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Felicity Heaton
Tags: Nightmare
looked her over again, recalling her curves and how they had inflamed him. Still inflamed him.
    Fighting naked would certainly give her an advantage over a male opponent, but it provided no protection for her too.
    “I can highly recommend armour.” He regretted it the moment it left his lips and she looked down at his, making it clear that she could see straight through his glamour to his real appearance. Her eyes danced over every piece of it, studying it so closely that he squirmed under the scrutiny.
    He had loved his armour once, when it had been blue edged with silver, the colours of a guardian angel, and his wings had been stunning silvery-blue.
    His contract with Asmodeus had turned it obsidian edged with violet and had corrupted his wings, turning them as black as Hell.
    He could do nothing about either of them, no matter how deeply he wished he could.
    So he kept his wings hidden so he didn’t have to see them and did his best not to look at his armour. He had once considered giving it up and disposing of it somehow, but it provided protection, and he didn’t think he could fight like the delicate-looking female currently staring in absorbed fascination at him.
    Maybe he could fight naked with her.
    His body stirred at that wicked thought and he shifted on his stool, hoping she wouldn’t notice. She would probably toss him across the room if she did.
    He would give anything to have that power.
    Where did she come from? She wasn’t mortal. She wasn’t angelic. He didn’t think she was demonic either.
    She was something else.
    And she was beautiful.
    And he was sober again.
    He didn’t care. Not right now. She had all of his focus, fascinating him with every little thing she did.
    She sipped her blood.
    Except that.
    His stomach cramped, his fangs itched, and his hunger rose like a demon within him.
    He breathed through it. In for five. Out for five. He didn’t need blood. In for five. Out for five. He was stronger than his hunger. The cramps subsided. He exhaled slowly, silently congratulating himself for successfully working through another attack, just as Liora had made him promise he would do. Some ridiculous thing she had called positive affirmation.
    The female lifted the glass back to her lips and took another slow sip that painted them red and made him hunger to kiss her.
    The darker needs lurking within him gave positive affirmation the finger and seized control, crushing his will to resist before he could muster it.
    He tried to back off before he jumped on the female and stole the blood on her lips. The backs of his thighs snagged on the leather of the stool seat, and he fumbled in an attempt to remain upright. His left arm shot out, catching all the glasses on the bar and sending them flying as he fought for balance.
    The female stared at him and cocked her head to one side.
    He growled at her, dug his claws into the bar and dragged himself up, leaving deep grooves in the black wooden top. The shadows swirled higher, curling over his biceps and twisting around his thighs. His fangs lengthened and he ground his teeth, desperately seeking some calm so he could centre himself or whatever the fuck Liora had called it. His eyes blazed violet, burning in his skull as the skin around them bled into darkness.
    His shoulder blades itched, his wings pushing for freedom.
    Nevar snarled and buried his claws deeper into the bar top, clinging to it as he fought the change, refusing to give into it. It would pass. He just had to breathe.
    What he really needed to do was let this hippy shit go and rip the heads off everyone who was now staring at him as if he was a one man freak show.
    Including her.
    He fixed his gaze on her.
    Not including her.
    Calm came over him like a cooling balm as his eyes met hers, washing through him and chasing back the darkness enough for him to get a grip on it and shove it back in its place, under his control. He breathed slowly and steadily, willing to try the hippy shit again
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