Hellion, a New Adult Romance Novel (The Rebel Series)

Hellion, a New Adult Romance Novel (The Rebel Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Hellion, a New Adult Romance Novel (The Rebel Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elle Casey
honesty, I do find him more hot than is probably legal.   But this is not the way to do it.   You do not get into my pants through mesmerizing my brother.   That’s just wrong.”   I’m sad, because as self-righteous as I sound, I’m pretty sure that’s not Mick’s goal.   He seems more interested in just goofing around with Jersey than even talking to me.
    “That sounded really wrong.”
    “Yeah, well, whatever.   Jersey licked cat poo.   Did I tell you that?”
    When Teagan stops laughing she responds.   “What cat poo has to do with Mick getting into your pants, I’m not even sure I want to know.”
    “It’s a long story.   It’s not connected.   Anyway, I have to go to dinner.”
    “And Mick is there?”
    “Yes. He’s here. And I want to know all about your lawyer appointment but not now.   I have to go murder my whole family first.”
    “Don’t murder them.   Just pity them.   And say hi to Mick for me.   Does he need a ride home?”
    “Yes!   Come get him now.   I’ll box up his dinner.”
    “I’ll see you in an hour.   Have fun,” she says, way too cheerily.
    “Payback can be a real bitch,” I growl.
    “I look forward to it.”   She disconnects the call and leaves me alone on the toilet.
    “Quin, it’s time for dinner,” my younger sister says through the door.   “Mom says come or you’re on dishes.”
    I leap up and throw open the door, reaching for the little turd so I can torture her until she cries uncle.
    She’s too fast for me, though, and she runs down the hall ahead of me, sounding like a herd of screaming elephants. “I’ll get you later, Shasta!” You’d never know she’s sixteen by the way she’s acting right now.   Some things never change.
    I take a deep breath in and let it out, focusing all my energy on connecting with the calm, rational part of my brain.   It’s been hiding for the last couple hours, but with enough effort, I know I can make it through this meal in one piece and without committing assault or battery against any of my loved ones.
    Putting my now frizzy hair up into an elastic, I follow my sister down the hall and into the dining room.


    I ARRIVE AT THE TABLE and find Mick sitting next to the only empty seat, the one I usually take.   Acting like it’s no big deal at all, I sit down and put my napkin in my lap.   I can feel the heat coming from his body near my arm and leg.   Shasta and my other sister, Olympia, are busy whispering and giggling, glancing up at him every couple second.   Idiots .
    My father hands me a big bowl of rice.   “So, smiley face, tell us about the doctor’s appointment.”
    I keep my attention on the rice.   Trying not to spill any of the grains helps me stay calm.   “Well, let’s just say it was interesting and leave it at that.”
    “No, let’s just have the details,” my dad says, handing me the next dish with a stack of tortillas on it.
    “I talked to Doctor Harper Harper Harper and answered all his questions,” Jersey says.   “He was nice.   He’s always nice.   I don’t want a rash.   Clowns suck.”
    I hand Mick the rice and his fingers brush up against mine.   My heart does a flip as I try to pretend like I don’t notice how warm they are or that just being next to him is making me crazy.   I swear my legs start to tremble over the idea of my skin being on his.   Ugh, I hate myself.
    “Did you see a clown at the office?” my mother asks.
    “No.   Mick has a clown face with a rash,” Jersey explains.
    Everyone either nods or ignores him.   Asking for explanations of his inner brain-workings are always an exercise in futility.
    “So, Mick, how long have you known Quinlan?” my father asks.   He uses that special father-tone in his voice that says ever so much more than his words actually do.   While his mouth asks about the extent of our relationship, his tone is saying that Mick better think twice about trying any funny business with his
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