HELL HATH NO FURY (A Jess Williams western novel)

HELL HATH NO FURY (A Jess Williams western novel) Read Online Free PDF

Book: HELL HATH NO FURY (A Jess Williams western novel) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Robert J. Thomas
shut that pie hole of yours, I’ll come over there and be crackin’ you on that thick skull you call a brain,” retorted Annie.
                  Darin Lovett had been looking over Annie and he liked what he saw. The fact that she was wearing what looked like a pretty fancy six-shooter interested him even more. “Hey barkeep, let her in” said Lovett. “I’d like to get to know that one a little better, if you get my drift. Hurley didn’t like it, but he was not about to defy Darin Lovett because he knew what would happen if he did.
                  Annie glared at Darin Lovett. “What makes you think that you’re going to get anything from me, Mister?”
                  “Because I’m Darin Lovett and I usually get or take whatever I want,” replied Lovett, a devious look on his face. Annie recognized the name as the man who Jess was hunting so she decided to shut up and she walked up to the bar. She ordered a whiskey and the barkeep tried to refuse to serve her, but Lovett told him to go ahead and serve her. Several of the local men walked out, not wanting anything to do with a woman in the saloon, especially one that looked like a gunslinger. Jess decided he’d better get in there before Annie got herself shot or beaten and thrown out of the place.
                  Lovett’s attention quickly turned from Annie to Jess as soon as he walked in. He recognized Jess right off and his whole demeanor changed in an instant. He carefully watched Jess as he walked up to the bar, placing himself between Annie and Lovett on purpose. He looked at the whiskey that the barkeep had given Annie and it was rotgut whiskey.
                  “Barkeep,” said Jess. “Throw that crap on the floor and get a good bottle of Whiskey and pour her and me both a glass of it.”
                  “You got enough money for the good stuff?” asked Hurley.
                  Jess threw a twenty dollar gold piece on the bar. “Will that cover it?” asked Jess, a little perturbed by the barkeep’s attitude.
                  “I guess so,” replied Hurley. “Are you sure you want to waste good whiskey on a woman though?”
                  Jess shot him a glare that actually made him take a step back away from the bar. He went in back and retrieved the one bottle of good whiskey he kept on hand. He came back out and poured two glasses of the good whiskey and left the bottle on the bar.
                  Lovett looked down at Jess. “Hey, if you’re going to waste that good stuff on a woman, why don’t you let the barkeep serve me a glass of it—on you of course?” asked Lovett.
                  Jess looked at Lovett for a moment. “Alright, since it will be your last drink, it might as well be a good one,” replied Jess, as he slid the bottle down the bar toward Lovett. Lovett didn’t rattle easy, even though he knew he was facing the man who had killed more men than most.
                  “Thanks, Mister,” replied Lovett, as he threw the rotgut whiskey out of his glass and refilled it with the good whiskey. “So, why do you think that this will be my last drink?”
                  “Because after you finish it, I’m planning on putting a bullet in you for all of your offenses that you’ve committed so far along with the ones you got away with that no one knows about,” replied Jess, saying it as if it was simply a normal conversation. The truth was, it was normal—for Jess.
                  Lovett took a long pull from the glass and it was much better than the rotgut he was used to. “Man, this is mighty fine whiskey. Do you think I could have one more before I have to kill you, Mr. Williams?”
                  Jess smiled and cocked his head a little. “I guess a man who is facing certain death could be allowed to have two drinks, so go ahead and
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