Heavy Hearts

Heavy Hearts Read Online Free PDF

Book: Heavy Hearts Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kylie Kaemke
glared at me. “I gotcha. No worries, the more the merrier!” His contagious smile beamed across his now slightly scruffier face as he walked over to shake Adam’s hand and tipped his hat to Suzette. Soon we were all smiling, and we headed out the door looking like we could rule the world with our looks to kill and our ‘we can do anything’ attitudes. I was proud and excited and things were looking very bright for me at that moment in time. 

Chapter 5
    Simon had a taxi already waiting for us at the curb. I instantly felt horrible for making him wait and letting the meter run up, but he didn’t seem to worry about it as he opened the door and ushered me in giving me a courtesy bow and reciting the words “ M’Lady”.
    We all piled into the spacious cab. I sat in between Simon and Suzette while Adam opted for one of the fold down seats across form us. 
    Simon cozied up next to me and closed the door behind him. He then spouted instructions to the driver, but I didn’t quite make out what he had said. Where were we going? At least the cabbie seemed to know, he nodded his head locking eyes with me in the rearview mirror and took off from the curb.
    Simon relaxed back into his seat and I found his hand resting on my knee like it was the most natural thing he could possibly do. Shocked by his electric touch I gawked at him nervously, but he just courtly smiled as though it was normal. I smiled back.
    “So, where we headed?” Adam broke the silence.
    “ You’re going to love it,” Simon perked up. “I’m takin’ ya to my favorite little hole in the wall for some grub. Best food you’ve ever tasted!” He seemed thrilled, but my friends didn’t seem sold on the “hole-in-the-wall” atmosphere. We had been more used to fine dining and champagne back in New York, but I was down for it. Different was never a bad thing, and Simon was such a standup guy how bad could it have been?
    “Sounds delightful,” Adam sarcastically sighed. I shot him an evil glare and he squirmed in his seat. I didn’t need him messing this up for me with his attitude. 
    “Then what?” Suzette stepped in, perky as can be. At least I had her on my side, whether it was pretending or not.
    “After we slam back a few drinks and have a bite there’s a club about a block away that has the most wicked DJ, and after that… well that’s a bit of a romantic surprise I had worked out for Lucy, b ut you two love birds will fancy it as well.” Looking at me again he smiled, and I had to bite my lip to keep from biting his.
    We arrived at the small pub Simon spoke of and he wasn’t kidding. The place didn’t even have a proper name; it just had red neon letters hanging above the windowless brown rusted door that read ‘PUB’. A single black rounded light hung above the door with about a thousand little bugs buzzing around the bulb. I definitely felt a mix of emotions from this place. Worry, a little disgust, but also excitement and curiosity. It would be my mother who would run from a place like this, but I didn’t want to be like that. If an amazing guy like Simon could hang out at a place like this then it must not be all bad. Never judge a book by its cover… right?
    Upon entering, our nostrils were filled with the mouthwatering smell of greasy fried foods. The place was small, but amiable, not at all the unwelcoming place the outside made it seem to be. The décor was all mahogany furnishings, a long bar against the back wall, booths lined the outer walls, and tables were scattered throughout. The red walls were covered in photos of patrons having fun laughing and drinking, it was quite adorable really. There was a small space left open next to the old fashioned juke box in the left corner near the entrance. A very adorable young couple was wildly dancing to some British pop song I didn’t recognize, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves.
    There were only about twelve people in the whole place, and when they
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