Heaven's Hell [Brac Pack 13]

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Book: Heaven's Hell [Brac Pack 13] Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lynn Hagen
Tags: Inc., Siren-BookStrand
beneath his paws and his mate at his side. Heaven had been stubborn though, not even allowing Heaven’s Hell
    Murdock to kiss him yet. He said if his father didn’t change his mind, it would be better that he didn’t yearn for what he never knew.
    It made sense, but it still didn’t stop his blood from catching fire every time he was near Heaven.
    His mate skidded to a halt, his snout lifting and sniffing the air.
    Grey wolves had a better sense of smell than Timber wolves.
    Murdock stopped, cocking his head and listening for what his mate was scenting.
    Heaven whined, inching closer to Murdock.
    “Look at the pups out to play.”
    Murdock snarled when a couple of men emerged from behind a tree. One held a gun on them while the other had some rope in his hand. Murdock could tell they were human. Never before had he encountered unmated humans who had knowledge of their existence, except for Frank, half owner of the diner, and he didn’t like it one bit.
    “You’re a big one, aren’t you?” one of the humans said to Murdock. “Biggest I’ve seen yet.”
    Murdock tucked his ears back, taking a stand in front of Heaven as he growled a warning.
    “Must be his mate.” the other snaggletoothed one commented.
    The first human tilted his head, as he shook his head. “But they’re both male.”
    “Maybe it’s his cub.”
    “Don’t matter. Doc’ll take ‘em.”
    Murdock lunged, snapping his jaws. He stepped back, pushing Heaven further away from harm. His mate whined again, and Murdock could feel him shaking as Heaven pressed his body into Murdock’s.
    “Go for the small one. Shoot the big one, but don’t kill him for Christ’s sake.”
    The gun went off. Murdock howled as he pushed his mate in the opposite direction. They broke camp, running as fast as they could.

    Lynn Hagen
    Shifting as soon as they made it to Murdock’s truck, Heaven snatched up their clothes and tossed them into the truck, but there was no time to dress.
    There was blood oozing from Murdock’s thigh. He knew he needed to stay in shifter form to heal properly, but getting Heaven to safety took priority over his needs. He laid his foot heavily on the gas pedal as Heaven used a shirt to try and stop the bleeding.

    * * * *
    When they finally made it to his house, Heaven jumped out and ran for his father before the truck came to a stop. “Father!” Windstorm came out onto the porch, letting his son lead him to the truck. He cursed when he saw Murdock passed out behind the wheel. Very carefully, he extracted the wolf, carrying him into the house.
    “We were out running in our wolf form on the western half of our territory when these two humans came at us. He protected me, but they shot him, Father.” Heaven sobbed as his father tried to wake Murdock. They had to get him to shift.
    “Please don’t die, Murdock. I forgive you. Please,” Heaven cried.
    His father grunted, gently pushing Heaven aside to dig the bullet out. Once it was removed, Murdock shifted to wolf form.
    “Damn. Thing was pure silver.” Windstorm held it up for Heaven to see.
    “Then the humans didn’t mistake us for regular wolves?”
    “‘Fraid not.” Windstorm dug through the fur, cleaning the wound further. “I’ll rescind my restitution demand.” Heaven sniffled. “Thank you. He really is caring and sweet.”
    “I hope so. If not, I’ll cut his balls off.” Heaven winced. “I’ll let him know that.”
    “Go pack your things. I’m calling Maverick to come get him, and then I’m going to see our Alpha about a couple of humans.” Heaven’s Hell
    “Thank you, Father.” Heaven kissed his father on the cheek, running down the hall to pack his personal items and grab Murdock’s bag. He refused to think how this may be his fault. No one had that bad of luck, did they?
    Six hours later, Maverick came through the door after a long meeting with Alpha Zeus and the soldiers, calling a hunt for the humans who shot the Timber wolf. Two more
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