Heat Waves
current leading to the edge.
From the bottom pool the water flows downward out of view with a
roar of white noise that is somehow both peaceful and
    We glance at each other and see the smile on
the other’s face. The answer to the unasked question, was the
hike worth it? is obvious. That long trek was more than worth
    In unison we both walk over to a patch of
grass near the pools and put our backpacks down. As I stretch, you
take off your hat and drop it to the ground. Then we grab our empty
water bottles and fill them from the fresh spring water. Greedily
we drink in the cold, crisp liquid, the water dribbling down our
chins and dampening our shirts.
    “Wow,” you say, finally breaking our silence.
“This place is incredible.”
    I am beaming, excited to have pleased you.
“Glad you approve.”
    “I admit that I had my doubts on the way up
here, but you’ve proved an excellent expedition leader,” you say
with a wink. “So good you deserve a reward.”
    Coyly you walk over to me and drag your
finger up my body, following the trail that the water has left. The
single finger reaches my chin and pushes my face downward. When it
has reached the appropriate angle, your arms slip around my neck
and your lips reach up towards mine.
    Not being one to pull away from such a tender
embrace, I lean down into the kiss, my arms wrapping around your
waist, my hands settling on the small of your back. Your soft body
is pressed against my chest, and I find myself becoming lost within
our kiss.
    Your hands entangle themselves in my hair as
I caress your back. My hands move lower and lower until I have your
ass in my grasp, and I pull you up towards me, your breasts thrust
against my abs. All the while our tongues are playfully exploring.
I feel my cock harden in appreciation of your talents.
    Reluctantly, we pull apart from one another,
and I can see the lust clearly on your beautiful face. You look
down shyly, and your eyes fall onto my sweaty shirt. “Here let me
help you. This should have a chance to dry in the sun.” I can feel
your fingertips slip under the hem of the tee shirt as you lift it
up and over my head.
    With my shirt off you stare appreciatively at
my muscular chest. Your finger slips down my sweaty skin as it
meanders down to my belly button. As it falls from my flesh, you
lift it up to your face. Your eyes lock with mine as you bring your
finger to your lips and smile. You somehow make it look like an
innocent gesture as you suck you finger into your mouth, your
tongue working it’s magic to clean off any trace of my essence.
    You slide your finger slowly out of your
mouth, your lips clinging to your skin, not wanting to let go. As
it finally escapes your luscious trap there is an audible pop that
fills the air. You smile as your gaze drops. I watch as your eyes
land on my package. They are obviously appraising the effect you’ve
had on me, and they are far from disappointed.
    I grab you by your wrist and spin you around
so that your back is against my chest. I wrap my arms around you,
feeling your hot, sticky body pressed next to mine. My hands
compress your belly so I can feel more of you on me. “Your shirt
could use a chance to dry, as well.”
    Before you know it, I’m pulling your shirt up
and over your head, leaving you only in your purple and black
sports bra. You lean your head back against my chest, giving me a
clear view of your cleavage and hard nipples poking through the
thick fabric.
    I slide my hands up your belly and circle my
palms over your nipples. Your mouth opens in a silent moan as your
head leans further back. I move down and my lips are playing at the
sensitive skin of your neck. A delicious moan escapes your mouth
and flees directly into my ear.
    I slowly take my hands and lips off your body
and you whimper disappointedly. You turn your head in an attempt to
tease my earlobe with your lips, but I pull away from you
    “Tease…,” the words slip out of
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