Heart Stopper

Heart Stopper Read Online Free PDF

Book: Heart Stopper Read Online Free PDF
Author: R J Samuel
Tags: Suspense & Thrillers
problem with the new Controller?”
    The Program Controller Home was the third version of the machines they used in the clinic during the regular checks to communicate with implanted pacemakers. This version was being developed for home use. Priya had worked on the Controllers when she was doing the research for her PhD; the pacemaker it controlled, the Mark I pacemaker, had been Daniel’s personal project with his research company that had commenced prior to the opening of the clinic. Priya spent part of her time consulting on the coding, and the other part carrying out the regular checks on the programming of the pacemakers installed by the clinic.
    Priya said, “We got the figures back about a month ago. There was no problem with the Controller Home. Daniel took the figures with him; he just gave them to me two weeks ago. I haven’t even had a chance to look at them properly. I’d better look at them after I do Jacintha’s check.”
    Priya suddenly felt uneasy, she didn’t want Tara to know she’d taken the papers home. Along with the papers on the Controller II, which Daniel had also given her for some reason. There were strict rules in this very secretive business.
    Priya said, “Talking of Jacintha, I’d better go, she’s probably chatting Aidan up as we speak if the poor lad is anywhere near the waiting room. But then, she’s not the only middle-aged woman who’d like a bit of that boy, is she?” Priya had to laugh at Tara’s face.
    Tara said, “I am not middle-aged, unless you think I’m only going to live till I’m 60! By the way, I wouldn’t start anything if I were you; I haven’t even mentioned your Friday night adventures. I like how it’s my 30 th birthday and you get the present.” Tara stopped. “Hey, you okay?”
    Priya’s stomach had clenched at the mention of Friday night and her face had obviously reflected the sudden rush of adrenaline. She got up and rifled through the filing cabinet searching for Jacintha Whelan’s file. Priya hated being at a disadvantage, at not remembering the night. She hated anyone knowing more about what she had done than she did. She was about to swallow her pride and ask Tara when Clodagh opened the door and popped her head into the office.
    “Priya, Ms. Whelan is waiting in Room 3. I had to put her in there to give poor Aidan a break.”
    Priya grabbed the thin file and hurried out of the office and down the hallway to the room she used for the pacemaker checks . She tried to gather her thoughts, to focus on the patient awaiting her.
    Priya used the room for her research as well as the routine pacemaker checks so there were different versions of the Controllers on trolleys lined up alongside one wall.
    “I’m so sorry, Jacintha, things are a bit in a state at the moment here.” Priya placed the file down on one of the trolleys.
    Jacintha Whelan put her teeth back into her mouth and smiled at Priya. She sat up straight in the chair. Jacintha’s son, Liam was seated in his usual place at her side.
    “Good morning Dr. Joseph, you’re looking a bit better since I saw you in March.” Jacintha turned to Liam. “Isn’t she? Sure, she was so thin then I thought we wouldn’t be able to see her after a while.” She adjusted her glass and stared through them at Priya. “Bit better, but still not as good as before.”
    “You know how to make a person feel good, Mam.” Liam had his usual look of apology for his mother’s forthrightness but Priya was used to it.
    Jacintha continued with a short pause for breath, “Isn’t it awful, dear, about Dr. Fairer. Scared me when Clodagh said it, it did so. He looked so healthy. Such a handsome man, you know, with that lovely tan and those white white teeth. You know, the Americans always seem to have such lovely teeth. Not like yours Liam, my fault that.” She patted Liam’s thigh.
    Priya rolled the trolley with the Controller II on it up to Jacintha’s side using the movement to hide her smile at
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