Heart of Steel: Book II of the Jonathan Pavel Series

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Book: Heart of Steel: Book II of the Jonathan Pavel Series Read Online Free PDF
Author: J.S. Hawn
the holo-vids. Though he no doubt meant himself to look intimidating, Jonathan felt no fear. In fact, all he felt was vindication. He feigned a salute and keeping his face a mask of respect replied, “Due respect sir, but am I supposed to know who you are?”
    Whatever old Halman had expected Jonathan to say that wasn't it. The Senator’s face twisted and turned a renewed shade of purple. He let the rage flow through him though, and with a Politician's practice lowered his voice instead of raising it.
    “You know very well who I am you Provo scum, I’m Eugene Halman and you..you upstart, you are the man who murdered my nephew through your gross negligence and incompetent leadership..”
    Halman looked to go on but Jonathan interrupted him, “If you’ll forgive me Senator, ” Jonathan's use of the title lacked any trace of reverence and respect.
    “It’s not my fault your nephew died. In fact, I rather regret he did just as I regret every other casualty suffered under my command. Your nephew wasn't a bad officer and if he had been less of a prick I might of liked him, but I’m sure he had you to thank for his false notions of superiority.”
    Halman seemed dumbfounded by the remark. He seemed lost for words at first, but then the rage returned to his eyes.
    “You're going to pay for this you bastard. You come into my house and insult me and the memory of my beloved nephew.”
    “No, I came to offer condolences to the mother of one of my fallen officers.” Jonathan’s grin turned wicked as he drew himself up to his full, if not very impressive height. Still his broad shouldered bulk and boxer frame was enough to cause the wizened Senator to take a step back. Jonathan looked at the man levelly.
    “Believe it or not, you don’t scare me old man. I know it’s unusual for you to hear that even from men in uniform, but I’m no staff ninny. I’m a fighting Captain. My chosen profession involves having depleted uranium slugs hurled at me by people who quite literally want to kill me. I’ve led men into combat, I saw one of those lads not too long ago, couldn’t have been much older than nineteen he had half his face burned off, and you know what he offered? To follow me anywhere. So go ahead call me incompetent, call me anything you like from that purple cushion where you park your useless ass in the Senate, you crotchety old bastard. Since its been about 150 years since you could have me publicly whipped for tracking dirt on your shiny, new carpet, I invite you to do your worst,” Jonathan paused for a moment, then finished with a perfectly respectful, “Sir.”
    Halman looked as if he were going to have apoplexy right there. The Senator’s shrunken hands curled into fists and Jonathan could tell the old man wanted to hit him badly, but instead the Senator turned and stalked away.
    “Well that was impressive,” Jonathan turned to see Bethany standing near by grinning from ear to ear.
    “How much of that did you hear?” Jonathan asked.
    “Enough to know you might not live to see the morning.”
    “Well isn’t that the theme of the festivities this year? Let us be merry for tomorrow,” Jonathan took a swig of his flask and offered it to Bethany.
    “Carpe Diem I suppose,” she said saluting.
    Jonathan’s ears picked up at the phrase. “You know Latin Bethany?”
    “ Et scietis quia ego sum, ” she said with a wink. “Some of what they drilled into us in those boarding schools sunk in. Do you speak any, if I recall Will said your education was a bit informal.”
    “As informal as possible with a mother from high society and a father who was raised by Jesuits. I don’t speak any, but I know the phrases we use  in the Stellanauta ceremonies.”
    “I know, it’s a lovely religion,” Bethany’s eyes gleamed mischievously. “Don’t tell Will, but I go by the Temple whenever he’s in space.”
    “I didnt..” Jonathan said a bit stunned.
    “He didn’t either, I did want to thank you by the
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