Heart of a Hero

Heart of a Hero Read Online Free PDF

Book: Heart of a Hero Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sara Craven
was left of the evening. She danced with a group of her classmates until the first slow song and thenmoved to another table to visit, forbidding herself to look around the room for Wade.
    An hour later, she’d had enough. She’d seen the people she’d wanted to see, had danced and laughed and done her best to give the impression that life was treating Phoebe Merriman well. Melanie, as always, was the life of the party. She had abandoned Wade for a guy Phoebe barely remembered, and the two of them were knocking back drinks with a like-minded group.
    This time Phoebe did look for Wade. He was standing alone by the bar and, as she watched, he set down his drink and approached Melanie. After a brief exchange, Melanie laughed and Wade turned and walked away.
    When she realized he was heading for the door, she panicked. Plain and simple, she couldn’t bear the thought of Wade leaving without at least speaking to him one more time.
    “Wade!” she called out. “Wait!”
    Two little words. She could still remember them. Two little words that had altered her life. And not just hers. Three lives had been altered by that evening, four if you counted Bridget. If Wade had left the dance when he’d intended to, Melanie might still be alive. If Melanie were still alive,Phoebe and Wade would never have walked up to that cabin, would never have…and Bridget would never have been conceived.
    Try as she might, Phoebe couldn’t regret those stolen moments of heaven she’d experienced with him. Nor could she imagine her world without her beautiful baby daughter in it.
    “Would you like to go to a movie when we’re finished eating?” Wade smiled at her across the table. A movie. With Wade.
    There was a time when she would have given an arm for that invitation. But things were different now. What she wanted and what was reality were two very separate things.
    “Thank you, but no,” she said. “I have to get home pretty soon.”
    He looked taken aback and, as she watched, the warmth in his eyes drained away. “All right.”
    “Wade.” She leaned forward and took an irrevocable step. “I’d like you to come with me. There’s something I have to tell you.”
    “You mentioned that yesterday,” he said, but she noticed he seemed to unbend a little. “Sounds scary.”
    She couldn’t even smile. “I hope not.”
    They left the restaurant and he followed her minivan directly back to her house. She’d offer him a glass of wine first, she decided, and then…then she’d have to decide how to tell him. But none of her opening lines sounded good. And now she had a new worry.
    What if Wade didn’t want to be a father? What if he rejected Bridget and didn’t want to be part of her life?
    Since yesterday, Phoebe had been trying to brace herself for sharing Bridget with her father when he came East. Which could be quite infrequently. After all, the man was probably going to be out of the country most of the time. If Wade didn’t want anything to do with them, their lives wouldn’t change appreciably.
    But it would break her heart if he didn’t find Bridget as miraculous and irresistible as she did.
    He followed her into the house at her invitation.
    And it was then that she realized the flaw in her plan. Duh. How could she possibly explain the presence of a nanny?
    Angie rose from the couch and gathered up her schoolwork. “Hi, Phoebe. Give me a minute to get organized and call my brother. I have an econ test tomorrow.”
    Phoebe managed a smile. “Do you think you’re ready?”
    Angie shrugged. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”She glanced at the ceiling. “Everything went fine this evening.”
    Phoebe was having trouble getting out words. Her chest felt like there was an enormous weight bearing down, preventing her from taking one good, deep breath. “Good.”
    Angie nodded and went to the phone. A moment later, she said, “He’s on his way.”
    “I’ll walk out with you.” One more minute. Just one more minute to plan
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