Healing Gabriel

Healing Gabriel Read Online Free PDF

Book: Healing Gabriel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth Kelly
shoved his chair back
before standing and turning away from her.  “I’m finished.”  He muttered.
    Morgan released her breath slowly and stood up.  “Thank you
Gabe.”  She hesitated but when he didn’t turn around, walked to the door.
    “Good night Gabe.”
    “Good night Morgan.”
    * * *
    “Hi Ms. Wilson!”
    “Hello Natalia.”  Morgan smiled at the little girl who was
bounding into the barn.
    “What are you doing?”
    “I’m trying to pet the kittens but they’re too afraid.”
    Natalia sat down beside her and peered at the huddle of
kittens in the corner of the empty stall.  “They’re afraid of everyone but
Uncle Gabe.  Mama says he has a gift with animals.”
    “Is your mom here?”
    “Yep.  She went to the house to find Uncle Gabe.  Guess
    “I finished my project on the lions.”
    “That’s great!  It’s not due until Wednesday.”
    “I know, but mama said if I did it this weekend then I would
have Monday night and Tuesday night to do whatever I wanted.”
    “She’s a very wise woman.”  Morgan smoothed the little
girl’s soft hair and then made another soft clicking noise with her tongue.
    “Here kitty, kitty.”
    “Do you like living here Ms. Wilson?”
    “I do.  It’s very peaceful and the carriage house is a nice
place to live.”
    “Mama and daddy used to live in it before I was born.”
    “I know, your mom told me.”
    The little girl picked up a piece of straw and broke it in
two.  “Do you like my Uncle Gabe?”
    “I do honey.  He’s nice.”  She stared at the scratches on
her arms, remembering last night when she had come this close to planting one
on him.
    “Will you ask him to come to the school play?”
    “Honey, I think you should ask him.”  Morgan smiled at the
little girl.
    “I already did.  He said he would think about it but that
means no.  Whenever daddy says he’ll think about it, it always means no.”
    The little girl sighed and dug a hole in the straw.  “Uncle
Gabe never comes to anything.”
    Morgan hesitated, not sure what to say, but the little girl didn’t
wait for a reply.  “Mama says it’s because people stare at his scars.  I don’t
know why they do that.  I don’t see anything weird about them.”
    “Sometimes people stare because they’re uncomfortable, and they
don’t know what to say because he looks a bit different.”  Morgan said softly.
    “Yeah, I guess.  But I wish he would come see me in the
play.”  Natalia sighed and then inched towards the kittens.  They hissed and arched
their backs and she stopped.
    “We need Uncle Gabe.”
    “Need Uncle Gabe for what?”  Gabe stuck his head into the
    “Hi Uncle Gabe!”  Natalia grinned at him.  “We want to pet
the kittens.  Come sit with us so they’ll come over.”
    Morgan moved over so there was room for him to sit between
them.  She gave him a tentative smile.  “Good morning Gabriel.”
    “Hello Morgan.”  He sat so that his right side was facing
her and made the same clicking noise with his tongue that she had done. 
Instead of retreating further into the stall, the six kittens stretched and
crept closer.
    “Be very quiet and don’t move Nat.”  Gabe said.
    The little girl leaned against his leg and did as he asked. 
Morgan watched with amazement as one by one the kittens climbed into Gabe’s lap. 
All of them began to purr loudly as he stroked and rubbed their soft fur.  A
tiny orange one sat on his knee and batted lightly at Natalia’s silky hair. 
She giggled softly and moving slowly, petted the tiny kitten.  It arched its
back and butted its face against hers.
    “Here.”  Gabe handed her a tiny black kitten and Morgan
cupped it gently in her hands.  Its eyes were still blue and it stared quietly
at her.  She rubbed its tiny head softly and grinned delightedly when it began
to purr.
    “They’re so sweet.  I always wanted a cat but my mom was
    “Where does your mama
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