Hardly A Gentleman

Hardly A Gentleman Read Online Free PDF

Book: Hardly A Gentleman Read Online Free PDF
Author: Caylen McQueen
sure… except for you, Miss Berryton. You are the absolute essence of perfection.”
    Margaret dismissed his claim with a flick of her wrist. “Oh, how you jest!”
    “I am being entirely honest. If you have a flaw, I have yet to find it. You are more than an angel.”
    “He seems to adore you… nearly as much as my Henry adores me, I daresay!” Lydia teased them. She pushed her spectacles to the bridge of her nose, squinted, and leaned forward in her chair, hoping to get a better look at the handsome man in front of her. Everything was foggy, but she could see him well enough. He was extraordinarily polished, with swoon-worthy dark eyes, and the most chiseled jaw she had ever seen. Her granddaughter had certainly done well for herself!
    Lydia was lucky she could still see Mr. Carridan at all; her vision had been deteriorating rapidly. Now she hoped to keep her sight long enough to see Margaret’s first child. “It is so strange.”
    “What is strange, Grandmother?”
    “ This . You. All of my grandchildren are getting married. It makes one feel… rather old.”
    “Is Cynthia happy with her new husband?” Margaret asked. She had attempted to write to her cousin— once —but the letter was deliberately ignored. Margaret had hoped they could put the past to rest. The incident with Jacob Billingsley happened so long ago, after all.
    “She is,” Lydia replied. “I received a letter from her quite recently, in fact.”
    “And you? Are you happy with your new husband?”
    “Henry is delightful, as you know. I am very fortunate he found his way back into my life, for I am certain I could not survive without him.”
    “And… Mr. Billingsley?” Margaret’s heart was curiously strained when she mentioned the other man’s name. “Does he still visit you?”
    “Three times a week, and sometimes more. Would you believe he is to become a vicar, like his father?”
    “ Truly ?” Margaret was silent for several seconds. Somehow, she found it hard to imagine.
    “I suspect it is merely an attempt to appease his father. And if you would, do not mention that to Jacob. He would not like to know I have been discussing his personal affairs.” Lydia absentmindedly squeezed and twisted a handkerchief in her hands. It was the only thing that seemed to allay the pain in her arthritic fingers. “Jacob should be joining us for supper tonight.”
    “ Mr. Billingsley ? For supper?” Margaret sounded perhaps a bit too eager, which earned her a curious stare from her fiance.
    “Indeed. And Henry as well. It shall be quite a memorable gathering.”
    Suddenly, a small brown cat leapt onto Vincent Carridan’s lap. Although he was hardly a fan of cats, his fiance adored them, so he found the strength within himself to scratch the feline’s head.
    “Look! Even Tabitha loves him!” Margaret exclaimed. “Everywhere he goes, Mr. Carridan is adored by all.”
    Margaret’s claim made her fiance chuckle. “Goodness, that is hardly true!” he protested.
    “No, but it is true! Everyone rains praise on Vincent. He could have chosen any woman to be his wife… and yet… he chose me . I shall never understand it. I must have had heaven’s favor.”
    “Well, he is fiendishly handsome,” her grandmother praised him again, and at the same time, Lydia’s kitten nuzzled his wrist.
    Smiling, he said, “I feel very… loved.”
    “As you should!” Margaret exclaimed. “I have never met a gentleman more worthy of the praise he receives.”
    “Or more worthy of affection from a cat,” Lydia added, smirking. “I do believe Tabitha has found someone she loves better than me!”
    Their light repartee continued into the early hours of the evening, at which time they assembled for supper. Vincent insisted on pushing Lydia’s Bath chair into the dining room, where he was introduced to Henry Calder and Jacob Billingsley for the first time. While the older gentleman shook his hand with vigor, there was something about the young man’s
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