Happy Healthy Gut

Happy Healthy Gut Read Online Free PDF

Book: Happy Healthy Gut Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Browne
extremely inflammatory disorders. If you suffer from one of these, I urge you to help your body. Eat foods that fight inflammation, not the ones that cause or provoke it. Try the garlic-stuffed olives . . .
    Question: Do you have noticeable bloating after eating a meal? Bloating is a sign of inflammation, and you can only feel and see a small percentage of what is actually occurring in your body. If you notice that you bloat after eating certain foods, then stop eating them! Your body is trying to show you what’s happening; let it know you’re paying attention.

Chapter 5
Healthcare 9-1-1
    “ . . . the factory farm industry (in alliance with the pharmaceutical industry) currently has more power than public-health professionals. We give it to them. We have chosen, unwittingly, to fund this industry on a massive scale by eating factory-farmed animal products . . . and we do so daily.” 63
    —Jonathan Safran Foer, Eating Animals
    O bvious to many, something is happening that is changing the quality of our health. These changes might seem small or relative to the general population, but they aren’t. More people are dying from chronic yet preventable diseases than ever before. People are getting sicker faster and younger. Despite taking into account the population increase within the last one hundred years, diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancers, hypertension, chronic and debilitating digestive ailments, and obesity are on the rise like never seen before, and I mean never. 64 So, what the hell is going on? One word: nutrition. Or rather, lack thereof . . .
    We are in the middle of a healthcare crisis of epidemic (soon to be pandemic)proportions in Canada and the United States. There are two major factors that are responsible for this, in my opinion.The first is our affinity for the western diet, which is certainly the norm in these two countries, and unfortunately, is quickly becoming quite popular everywhere else in the world, too. The western diet comprises foods that are mostly . . . well, not really food.
    Fast food, processed food, factory-farmed animal products, and a slew of chemicals including preservatives, stabilizers, artificial coloring and flavors, pesticides, genetically modified organisms and more, make up the bulk of the average North American’s diet. This diet is unprecedented in not only its laboratory-created component, but also in the effects it has had, and rapidly continues to have, on our swiftly declining, collective health.
    The second factor contributing to our healthcare despair is our medical professionals’ inability to deal with this problem, because of their lack of proper nutrition education, and abundance of opportunistic misinformation from the meat, dairy, and pharmaceutical industries that are incredibly effective in convincing our doctors to push their products. (You’d be hard-pressed to find a North American general practitioner who would tell you that milk isn’t good for you. It “does a body good” 65 doesn’t it?)
    Factory-farmed animal products are just one example of how we are causing detriment to our health, typically without us knowing so. Misguided information and general ignorance towards what is being put in our food is literally killing us. American general practitioners have an average of twenty hours’ worth of nutrition education, with eighteen of those hours being centered on infant formula. 66 This means that a nutritionist, who possesses considerably less education than a medical doctor (typically one to two years of study compared to ten to twelve), has more basic knowledge about diet and nutrition than a heart surgeon who deals with the effects of coronary heart disease, contracted in most part by terrible dietary choices that often occur on a daily basis.
    This is a major problem.
    In fact, as Dr. T. Colin Campbell emphasizes in The China Study , which is a thirty-eight year-long study that shows a very strong correlation between casein (cow
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