Happily Ever After?

Happily Ever After? Read Online Free PDF

Book: Happily Ever After? Read Online Free PDF
Author: Debra Kent
So, what does your crystal ball tell you? Are you going to be outrageously wealthy? Are we driving to Vegas with the top
    “My crystal ball?”
    “Crystal ball, Ouija board, tea leaves—whatever. You’re a psychic, darling. I read all about it. You’ve got a

    “No, I don’t have a gift. It was just a strange coincidence.”
    “I don’t believe in coincidences, Valerie. No. Everythinghappens for a reason, a higher purpose. That’s what I believe.”
    “Okay. Then what’s the higher purpose behind this phone call?”
    Diana sniffed. “Aw, don’t give me the bum’s rush, baby. I wanted to see how you’re doing. I thought you’d be happy to hear
     from me. I thought we were

    I felt a guilty twinge. Diana was the first person to tell the whole truth about Roger, his affairs, his fortune. But she’d
     been miserable to me before that, getting in between me and Eddie, insinuating herself into my household as Roger’s “research
     assistant.” I never completely understood why her loyalties shifted. This was as good a time as any to find out. “Diana?”
     I began. “As long as we’re on the subject of friendship, could I ask a question?”
    “Of course.”
    “I never understood why you wanted to help me. I thought that you and Roger were such good buddies.”
    “We were as thick as thieves—when I was drinking. And then I got sober and realized what a dick he is. And what a jewel you
     are. You are a jewel; you know that, don’t you? A gem. A truly beautiful person.”
    “Did you think you were in love with me?” I had to know.
    “I didn’t
anything. I
Love, lust, yes. All of it. And I was sober and I saw Roger with a clarity I’dnever known before, and I saw myself—my old self— with that same clarity and I knew I had to make amends, and I knew I had
     to tell you everything. About Roger. And I wanted to see you happy. Rich and happy and free.”
    I took a moment to digest everything. “Well, I am happy. And, yes, I suppose I’m free. As for rich … I guess you’ll have to
     call me back on Friday.”
    “May I?”
    “Call you back. On Friday?”
    I took a deep breath. Did I really want to open this door? Sober or not, Diana still felt like a wolf, teeth bared, panting
     at my heels. She was a tight knot of intensity, all nerve endings, as purely sexual as a dildo. “Sure,” I told her. “Call
     me on Friday.”
    “Oh, goody! I’ll do that. I’ll call you!” She sounded so grateful it made me feel guilty. “Maybe we’ll have something to celebrate.
     Should I chill something fizzy?”
    “I thought you were sober.”
    “I meant sparkling grape juice, you silly goose.”
    “Sure, go ahead and chill the juice. You can have a party.”
    “Not me. We. I’ll bring the bottle.”
    “Let’s not put the cart before the horse,” I told her, knowing how prissy that sounded and wondering why she brought out the
     priss in me. “I’ve got to go.”
    I found myself thinking of how Diana looked that afternoonat the hotel, lying in wait, so naked, so beautiful and sly.
    ’Til next time,
June 8
    I went downtown for lunch, then stopped at the hardware store to buy those stupid globe lightbulbs in Pete’s bathroom, cursing
     the builder for using ten of them in every bathroom. As I approached the Jeep, I could see a parking ticket under my windshield
     and I was furious. My third ticket this year! I lifted the wiper and pulled the ticket out and stared at the list of violations.
     Overtime parking. Parking adjacent to a fire hydrant. Parking in a permit-restricted zone. My heart slammed against my chest.
     What the hell?
    Then I saw the note. “Gotcha! Have a sweet day. Michael.”
    I called him at the precinct from my cell phone. “I’m not laughing,” I said, still shaking.
    “Oh, Valerie, did I scare you? I’m so sorry. I thought you’d get a kick out of it.”
    I wanted to stay mad, but his tone,
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