time for you to see Hannah. She has just had a treatment and is feeling very poorly. She never wants anyone to see her when she is like this.” Emma crossed her arms and looked sternly at Luke. He looked from her to the backseat of the car and back at Emma. She could see how badly he wanted to go over to the vehicle and comfort her dochtah .
“Emma, all I want to do is talk to Hannah and say hello. May I at least do that? I could help you get her in the haus if she’s too much for you to handle on your own. I know she is feeling poorly at the moment and I won’t stay long. Please, may I just say hello to her?” It was killing Luke not to be able to speak to Hannah. He hated seeing how uncomfortable she looked but he knew she was very self conscious and didn’t want to intrude where he wasn’t wanted.
“ Nee , Luke. You can’t. You have to go. Hannah may not have told you exactly how sick she is. She has leukemia. That’s a form of cancer, Luke. It’s very serious. I can’t let you interfere with her getting better. You can’t see her today and you can’t see her anymore. I would appreciate it if you stopped calling in at the haus from now on.”
With that, Emma turned and began the difficult process of getting Hannah into the haus . She wasn’t sure how long Luke waited in the yard before he climbed into his buggy and left but she did see the look on Hannah’s face as she watched him leave.
Chapter 8
The next morning, Emma was washing up the breakfast dishes and looking out the window. She was remembering back when Hannah was so little and healthy. Her mann had still been alive then. There was one morning when he had been holding his dochtah and rocking her. She had reached up and grasped his beard and tugged it sharply. Instead of being angry, her mann had simply laughed and untangled her tiny fingers.
“ Ach , fraa , she’s a strong one. She’ll be a big help to you around the haus . I’m glad that Gott has seen fit to bless us with such a wonderbaar , healthy bobbli .” It hadn’t been much longer before her mann had taken sick and died. It had been hard to cope but Emma had trusted in Gott and knew that as long as she always tried to do what was best for her dochtah that things would work out in the end.
Then, when she was sixteen, Hannah had fallen ill. It had started with a string of head colds and ear infections that Hannah couldn’t seem to shake. Then, she had developed strange bruises which had appeared when Hannah had bumped herself even slightly. The doctor that normally treated members of her community had taken some blood and then, shortly after, they had found out that Hannah had acute lymphocytic leukemia. The rounds of medical appointments and chemotherapy had started soon after and Emma was terrified. How could she keep her only kinder safe from a threat that came from inside her own body?
Emma was still reliving the past when she saw Luke’s buggy pull up in the yard. She was thankful that Hannah was still sleeping. That meant she could go out and speak to Luke again before her dochtah realized he was out there. She had hoped that speaking to him yesterday would have made him realize he was not wanted in her haus but clearly she had not been firm enough. She wiped her hands on a towel, straightened her apron and kapp and went out to speak to the young mann who had such an unwanted interest in her dochtah .
Their conversation was short and to the point. She told Luke how ill Hannah was and that she was not in any shape to see anyone let alone be courted by a mann . That she didn’t appreciate him getting Hannah all worked up and emotional because it could jeopardize her recovery. And that she wanted him to go and leave her small familye in peace. Luke had looked at her with a stubborn look on his face that was common to the men in her community.
“I’ll go Emma, but I will be back shortly. No disrespect, but I think I want to hear from Hannah that I am not wanted here. She