Guns n' Boys: Homicidal Instinct (Book 2) (gay dark mafia erotic romance)

Guns n' Boys: Homicidal Instinct (Book 2) (gay dark mafia erotic romance) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Guns n' Boys: Homicidal Instinct (Book 2) (gay dark mafia erotic romance) Read Online Free PDF
Author: K.A. Merikan
    Domenico grinned. “A
twink. So light, had a fashionable pink collar. With, uh-diamantes,” he added
with a scowl, “Calls himself Fluffy, and still has most of his junk. Who’s
banging him?” he called out, slowly walking into the living room where everyone
was already gathered at the table.
    Seth looked back at him
with a smile as he was serving everyone their food instead of eating. It was
hard to believe this smiley guy was part of a mafia family.
    “Just in time,” Seth
said and pulled back a chair for Dom after putting a steak on Jamie’s plate.
    Domenico put down Fluffy
and sat in the chair with a slight nod to Seth. There was a tenderness to his
gestures, which made Domenico believe even more firmly that they were indeed
related. He looked around at the four other men, wondering whether he knew them
as well. His mind was as blank as an hour ago, so he focused on the food
instead. Only now did he pay proper attention to the cramped living room with
an overabundance of flowers on the windowsill, a glass cabinet with porcelain
figures, and rose-printed armchairs in front of the television. A cheap-looking
glass chandelier hung from the ceiling, intent on pretending it was made of
crystal. It felt as if the grandmother who used to own the place wasn’t too
long gone.
    A move on his side
turned Dom’s attention to a ladle transporting soup straight to the white bowl
in front of him, the vapors of tomato and basil spiking Dom’s appetite.
    “Hope you like it, I
kept it warm for you,” Seth said with a smile and sprinkled the soup with
freshly chopped herbs. He then poured Dom some water with lemon before finally
sitting down next to him.
    It was hard not to smile
at such a beautiful dish. Domenico picked up a spoon and gently scooped some of
the soup. He raised it to his nose and drew in the aroma, rich and fresh. So
was the taste, as it turned out. He looked at Seth, startled by the
determination shining in his eyes.
    “It’s good.”
    “I got some fresh
tomatoes when I was out.” Seth’s face lit up with a wide smile.
    Jamie rolled his eyes.
“Jeez, I thought that Neil and I were the only ones married at this table.”
    Domenico frowned. “We’re
    Seth groaned and shook
his head at Jamie. “You couldn’t at least wait till after dinner with the
    Neil slurped some of the
soup from his spoon and scowled at Seth. “Who’s bitching? You’re here on
borrowed time, so fuck the fuck off from my husband.”
    “You didn’t seem to care
about borrowed time when you ate that tart before lunch.” Seth snarled at Neil.
    Zach smiled from above
his plate. “I hope everyone’s enjoying the food. I made a little prayer for
peace at this meal.”
    Neil slouched in his
seat. “Really, Zach? Be man enough and throw them out.”
    Peter stabbed his soup
with the spoon. “We can’t just do that. Domenico’s hurt.”
    “And that is your
problem. You keep collecting strays,” said Neil, eyeing Zach. “From people to
figurines, not to mention Fluffy.”
    Domenico stared at Neil,
unsure whether discussing things with this little whiny bitch was worth
spoiling such a good meal.
    Zach made pleading eyes
at Neil and tried to change the topic yet again. “I love trying something new.
I don’t think I’ve ever had steak with this mix of herbs.”
    Jamie raised his
eyebrows, shoveling the meat down his throat. “A steak is a steak. You can get
something like that at the Brooklyn Steakhouse.”
    Seth wanted to burn
Jamie alive with his gaze. Domenico could feel the red aura radiating off him.
“Not like these.”
    “I know my steaks. I
prefer barbecue sauce, but you can get these too. They’re called…
‘Herbalicious’ or something like that. Chicks like them, ‘cause they’re thin
and without sauce. Low calorie.”
    This was the moment
Jamie the Thick crossed the line. He was handed a carefully prepared home meal,
and he was complaining because he preferred some
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