Guardian (Daughters Of The Gods, Book 2)

Guardian (Daughters Of The Gods, Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Guardian (Daughters Of The Gods, Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tamara Gill
She looked out and watched the grey clouds swirl and pour rain down on an unsuspecting city. “Apologies Father.” Cat swallowed her pride lest she end up just as he threatened. Dead. Yet her father’s inability to forgive rankled. Why could he never let go of perceived wrongs. Would in fact, wait centuries for revenge.
    “ Hermes has been watching you and reported to me your weakness toward the Titan. It is a trait I had yet to see in you. Never before have you been so indecisive, nor troubled by the task I have set. I will not stand for it, Caitlin.”
    “Meaning?” Cat watched as Zeus’s lips lifted up in what he probably thought resembled a smile, yet it more closely resembled a snarl.
    “Should you fail , Hermes will take your place. That is all.”
    Cat nodded , gaining her father’s meaning. So Hermes had been and would continue to follow her. Watch and wait for her to make a mistake. “I will not fail. It is not in my blood to do so.”
    This time Zeus did smile. “Now that is the daughter I know.”
    Within an instant he was gone and the weight of his decree settled on her like a rock. She would have to kill Lelantos and soon. Titan or not, he did not deserve the death Hermes would mete out to him. At least by her sword, a weapon capable of killing a deity, his death would be instant and painless.
    His blue eyes flashed before her and she pushed the image aside. She would do it in combat. Take him to Thessaly, the long ago location for the War of the Immortals and fight him to the death. Because there was no doubt in Cat’s mind the that Titan wouldn’t go down without a fight.
    A bloody good one.

    Lelantos sat at his usual seat and waited. He was expecting the woman who haunted his dreams to walk through the door and ask to buy him a beer. This time should she return he wouldn’t turn her down. In fact, he wouldn’t turn down anything she may offer.
    His body hummed just to be near her. To smell her intoxicating scent of jasmine and that womanly scent that only Caitlin had. The door to the bar swung open and instinctively he looked over. When a couple walked through the door, he chastised himself at the surge of disappointment. Damn fool.
    “Are you waiting for me?”
    Her voice washed over him like a soothing balm. Lelantos slowly turned and tried to hide the grin that wanted to break free on his lips. When he finally looked at her, he couldn’t help but want to flick the little straps of her tiny black dress from her shoulders and kiss her perfect, white skin. By Hades, she was beautiful. Sensual. And damn, he wanted her.
    “What would you say if I said yes ?” He watched as her eyes widened at his question, and he realized he’d never seen such a dark emerald in his entire existence. And he’d been around a very long time. She sat and he beckoned the bartender to take her order.
    “That you’re very sweet.”
    Lelantos raised his brow. Sweet? He’d never been termed sweet before. It was the last characteristic he would ever attribute to himself. “Come to dinner with me. This bar has a fantastic restaurant.”
    Again her eyes gave away her surprise. Lelantos frowned and wondered why such a benign request would be so shocking. She was a beautiful, young woman and surely must be used to men asking her out.
    “I can’t . I’m sorry.” She took a sip of her wine and it took all of Lelantos’ strength to stop himself from licking off the little bit of red liquid sitting upon her lip.
    “I won’t bite, Ca t,” he said, turning her stool so she had to make eye contact with him. She stared at him a moment and again, he had a feeling he’d seen her before and that for some unknown reason, his question made her sad.
    “I might.”
    He laughed. “I feel we got off on the wrong foot when we first met. I want to apologize for my rudeness.”
    “I don’t know, Len, I think our current relationship is just fine. I’m not interested in developing a
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