Grey's Awakening

Grey's Awakening Read Online Free PDF

Book: Grey's Awakening Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cameron Dane
Tags: Romance
    “Hello?” he called out, taking only a few steps inside. “Sirus? It’s Grey.”
    Nothing but the continued music greeted him. G-n-R moved on to the next track on the CD, or possibly a tape or record. He doubted it was an iPod set up. Sirus struck Grey as a throwback in a lot of ways, although he didn’t quite know why he put that label on the man.
    “Sirus?” Not getting any response, Grey went ahead and shut the door behind him before more cold air swept inside. A living room sat to his left, done in warm mossy greens and deep midnight blues, with touches of brown leather. A brick fireplace dominated the sidewall.
    He followed the split-log wall to his right until he reached an opening, pausing to peek his head in what he knew would be the kitchen. Dark woods somehow made the area look cozy rather than dank or cave-like, and a multi-colored woven rug sat under a table with two chairs, brightening the small space.
    Grey turned around. “Sirus? Are you here?” He made one final attempt to make his presence known, leaving nothing to chance as he cut across the living room to an opening on the backside of the cabin. He entered a short hallway with two doors, the first one the bathroom, the second Sirus’s bedroom. Averting his eyes as quickly as he could, Grey purposely noted nothing more than the tartan plaid blanket and a pile of pillows covered in snow-white fabric before whipping his head back out and making a beeline for the front door. He did not need to have a complete visual of where Sirus Wilder laid that stunning body of his to sleep every night.
    The music continued to blast, so Grey loped down the steps and circled the cabin, following the wall until he reached the back. A large, open shed loomed some twenty-five feet away. Light shone through the thrown open double doors and, as Grey got close enough to peek inside, he changed his mind about his temporary roommate yet again.
    A dozen mechanic’s lights hung from various points in the ceiling, casting the entire area in warm yellow lighting. Perfectly aligned plank flooring and equally well-constructed walls and roof stepped this shed up a dozen levels from slipshod to a serious workspace.
    In addition to a buzz saw, power tools and other machinery also filled a small portion of the area. Grey processed huge hunks of wood, stone and sheets of metal lining the back wall. That all got a cursory glance from him, but then he shifted and took in the area at the far end of the right wall and almost gasped.
    Holy fuck.
    Three stunning pieces of sculpture took up the right-back area of the workspace.
    Each sculpture combined abstract ideas with what was clearly the human form to create works of stunning beauty. There were other more literal pieces as well, some life-size, others smaller. Various canvases and boards of carved wood leaned here and there, taking over the back portion of the large space.
    Holy fuck.
    Sirus wasn’t building shelves in this workroom of his. The man was an artist.
    And right now—Grey shifted his focus again and breathed through the vision standing before him—that artist worked at a table in the center of the room, his back to the open doors, and no shirt in sight.
    Holy fuck, again.
    Grey curled his hands at his sides, itching to run his fingers over the thick ropes of muscle that tapered down to a snug pair of jeans encasing a tight ass and long, muscled legs. Dark hair clung to Sirus’s neck, wet with sweat that ran in enticing rivulets down his back where it dampened the waistband of his jeans. Without a belt, the waist rode low, making Grey’s dick twitch as he imagined yanking them down, bending Sirus over his worktable, and plowing that firm ass until Sirus screamed with the need to come.
    Moving into the workspace, Grey spotted a drop of sweat starting right at the top of Sirus’s spine. Grey zeroed in on it with the goal of lapping it up with his tongue before it disappeared inside Sirus’s jeans. Then, since
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