Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5)

Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amy Sumida
never have it again?
       It's not till later that we learn love is not finite, that it comes again and again into our life as long as we keep ourselves open to it. It's not a singular miracle but a series of them. It's only by experiencing this series that we begin to understand how love needs to be treated. After we go through the heartaches needed to grow, we learn that love must be respected, nurtured, and given freedom to blossom. All things considered, Anubis had matured a lot in a very short time.
       “ I know about your new magic,” he whispered as he took my hand and kissed a spot he knew made my blood race. “You can take multiple lovers now. I'm willing to share you. Maybe we can have something like Persephone and Hades had. You could come and live in the Underworld for a few months of the year.”
       “ Anubis, I don't have absolute say over who becomes my next lover,” I rubbed at the headache building behind my left eye. “Trevor, as my alpha, does. In case you have any doubts, Trevor will never approve of you. I think the only man he likes less than you is Thor.”
       “ Miw-sher,” his face crumpled. “It doesn’t have to be like this. Trevor doesn’t even have to know.”
       “ You want me to cheat on Trevor?” My voice raised an octave higher than I knew it could go.
       “ Uh, should I take a walk?” Krystal was standing in front of us and neither one of us had noticed.
       “ No,” I cleared my throat, “we’re fine.” I got up and Anubis followed.
       “ Lunch, ladies?” The intensity was gone from his voice but not his eyes. “How about Mexican?”
    Chapter Six
       Five margaritas, six shots of tequila, and two plates of taquitos later, I was forgetting all the reasons why adding Anubis to my list of lovers was a bad idea, or an impossible one. All I could seem to think about was how wonderful the sex had been. How honorable he could be, how romantic.
       It didn’t help that Krystal’s honey-streaked, brown locks looked amazing next to Anubis' sin black hair and that they looked like more of a couple than we ever would. It shouldn’t bother me and it didn’t, it bothered the five margaritas swimming in my belly. Or maybe it was the shots of tequila. I had drunk enough alcohol that even the super healing ability of my recent drink from the Grayel, couldn't sober me. I frowned over my enchilada at Anubis, as I slipped down further into the vinyl seat. Sque-e-a-ak.
       “ So what’s up with you two?” Krystal tore her eyes from Anubis for a second.
       “ I want her back,” Anubis shrugged and leaned infinitesimally closer to my chair at our conveniently round table. “I’m willing to share her but her other men are intimidated by me.”
       “ Share her?” Krystal choked on her taquito, “Other men ? What the hell is he talking about?”
       “ I've had some developments with the lioness magic,” I glared at Anubis until he gave me a twisted grin. “I'll explain it all later but basically I need more than one man. Trevor's the first though, my alpha, and he gets the final say on who I add. He won't approve Anubis, ever. Trevor just can't forgive him for what he did. Besides,” I slurred as I sat up in a drunken lunge, “we were never a couple. You abducted me, that's not a relationship, it's a crime.”
       “ Developments?” Krystal's eyes were big over the rim of her glass.
       “ Not for a god,” he waved his hand in irritation. “You said you forgave me but you keep bringing up my mistakes. I don't think you truly have. Why can't you forgive me, Miw-sher? I am truly sorry for the way I treated you. Please tell me you know that.”
       “ Miw-sher?” Krystal looked like she was trying really hard to follow the conversation.
       “ It means kitten,” I glanced at her and then back at Anubis. “I know you're sorry. I get it, you're forgiven but that doesn't transform what happened into a relationship. Call a
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