Greatest Distraction (Distracted #1)

Greatest Distraction (Distracted #1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Greatest Distraction (Distracted #1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Juli Valenti
Missouri, it’d been overwhelming, at least for me. Elle had gone often with her parents. Now, though, I loved it. The sounds, the traffic, the weather, the food – nothing was better than the aliveness of that city.
    My thoughts going to the idea of endless delivery food options, my mouth watered. I sighed as I looked down at the cold salami on the counter. Was this what I was reduced to?
    * Me: You sure?*
    I laughed at myself for that text message. Of course she didn’t mind, she’d already offered … and my friend was not one to offer unless she meant it. Ever.
    * Elle : Duh. Still have your key?*
    * Me: Yep*
    * Elle: There you go then. Keep me updated. Girls just fell asleep, better sleep while I can*
    A quiver of excitement started in my belly as my plans became more solid. Even through the fog of sickness, and a little heartbreak, I knew this was the right thing for me to do right now. Get away from this place, clear my head, and come back stronger and more kick ass than before. All that was left now was getting the plane ticket, telling my boss, breaking up with Chris, and packing.
    Easy, right?

Chapter Four
    “No, Chris, I don’t want you to come over to talk about this,” I snapped into the phone, frustrated. I’d been trying to break up with the guy for over two hours now, and I wasn’t any closer now than I was when I started the conversation. You would’ve thought calling someone and saying I want to break up was enough to do the job … but with him? Apparently not.
    “ Ryen, come on, you don’t really want to end things. I totally see a future between us…”
    “Yes I do, and no, no future.”
    “But, I love you. You’re Rinoa to my Squall.” His voice was pleading, almost begging me to stay with him despite his use of video game analogies.
    “ Chris, I will not say this again. I. Want. To. Break. Up.” I’d officially lost my patience. How could a grown man beg and plead like this? At least he was right; even I knew enough of Final Fantasy to know that he, like Squall, had the emotional depth of a fingernail. I also didn’t appreciate being related to a girl who never shut the hell up.
    “But – ”
    “No. No more buts, Chris. I mean it. You’re going to find a girl someday who is completely content playing video games all day, eating pizza for every meal, and wants to have Halo marathons with you. But that girl just is. Not. Me.” My voice rose with every word and I had to take a deep breath before continuing. “Have you ever really looked at me? I like fashion and ballet, opera and the other arts too. I like concerts and going out to eat. I enjoy working and talking to real people not on a headset during an ‘intense battle.’ I’m sorry, Chris, just … no.”
    Silence met the end of my rant and for a moment I thought maybe he’d hung up on me. Sure, that could’ve been a good thing, but then I’d worry he was going to show up at my house and play a boombox loudly outside my window or something. I needed him to understand.
    Sure, I probably should’ve waited until I saw him again to break up with him in person, but that seemed like a long time. Hell, from the time I’d decided to actually break up with him last night until this morning was a long time … He was lucky I waited this long. I’m pretty sure I broke up with him about twenty different times in my dreams, each a different and more creative way. A part of me was even a little sad I didn’t get to do some of the elaborate plans my brain was craving.
    “I’m sorry,” Chris’ voice came over the line, startling me. Hearing him made me feel a little bad, but not bad enough. Yes, he sounded hurt, but there was no doubt in my mind I was making the right choice.
    I opened my mouth to speak, if for no other reason than to break the silence that was mounting again, but Chris cut me off.
    “I accept your decision, even if I want to fight for you. I will keep my diggity and that will be that.”
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