Great Sex, Naturally

Great Sex, Naturally Read Online Free PDF

Book: Great Sex, Naturally Read Online Free PDF
Author: Laurie Steelsmith
from certain farming practices (which can reduce nutrient content in your foods), fluctuations in your individual bodily needs and stress level, your exposure to particular health challenges (including contagious illnesses and environmental contaminants), and many other factors. The best way to ensure that you’re getting a baseline of vitamins and minerals to meet your needs is by taking the following daily supplements:
    — Multivitamin. The important ingredients to look for in your multivitamin supplement are vitamins C, D, E, B 2 , B 6 , and B 12 , as well as thiamine, niacin, folate, biotin, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, beta-carotene, pyridoxal 5-phosphate, potassium, and bioflavonoids. If you use the multivitamin recommended in Appendix C , take two tablets twice daily with food.
    — Antioxidant formula. The key ingredients you need in your antioxidant formula are vitamin C, coenzyme Q 10 , alpha lipoic acid, resveratrol, green-tea extract, and n-acetyl l-cysteine. Your multivitamin contains vitamin C, but the additional C in your antioxidant gives you further immune protection and extra assistance in fighting free radicals. If you use the antioxidant formula in Appendix C , take two capsules daily.
    — Bone formula. The important ingredients in a good bone-support formula are vitamin K, vitamin K 2 , magnesium, calcium, boron, and silica. The multivitamin recommended above contains magnesium and calcium, but women need an extra boost of both for additional bone support. If you take the bone formula in Appendix C , the recommended dose is two capsules daily.
    The Dynamic Dozen: Super-Libido Foods to Enhance Your Great Sex Diet
    To provide an extra punch to your sex-supportive diet, you’ll want to enjoy the following foods and beverages often. These 12 items are recommended because they’re unusually rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that can prevent or treat disease, and have unique potential to promote your overall health and sexual well-being. (Most of these aren’t usually considered aphrodisiacs; later in this book, you’ll explore specific foods for their aphrodisiac potential.) They’re not listed in order of effectiveness—all are powerful as super-libido foods.
    1. Flax. Flaxseeds are high in friendly omega-3 fats (which, as you’ve seen, are favorable to your sexual health), decrease inflammation in your body, and may help prevent cancer. Flaxseeds are also loaded with lignans , and research shows that high levels of these phytonutrients in your diet can reduce your breast-cancer risk. To enhance your Great Sex Diet, take one tablespoon of flax oil, containing 6,200 mg of omega-3 fats, every day. You can add flax oil to salad dressings or smoothies, or take it in capsule form—although you’ll need to take lots of capsules to get the equivalent of a tablespoon. Refrain from cooking or frying with flax oil, because heat not only destroys its benefits, but could make it detrimental to your health.
    2. Hemp. Adding hemp seeds to your diet can promote your health and sexual well-being in many ways. Not only are they rich in beneficial omega-3 fats, they’re also high in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Studies show that GLA reduces inflammation, and can help treat premenstrual syndrome, menopausal hot flashes, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease, and other conditions. In addition, hemp seeds are high in vitamins and minerals, and contain all of the essential amino acids. You can find these seeds in many food products, such as hemp milk, hemp oil, hemp flour, and hemp protein powder.
    3. Chia seeds. An ancient grain from Mexico, chia seeds can pack a lot of extra nutritional power into your Great Sex Diet. They consist of 44 percent carbohydrates—38 percent of which is fiber—31 percent fats, and 16 percent proteins, as well as some antioxidants. Because of their high fiber content, chia seeds support good elimination, and help
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