Grail Quest

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Book: Grail Quest Read Online Free PDF
Author: D. Sallen
matters. I consulted him on anything I wanted to do, or anywhere I was going. I told him I should go with Argyll because I thought I had a better handle on shore activities than did a sea Captain. Smyth, reluctantly I thought, agreed I should make the trip.
    The river being fairly deep at Jamestown we sailed on a low tide. Not knowing how deep the Rappahannock was, Argyll wanted to enter it on a high tide. About two hours up river, we came along an abandoned east side Natural settlement. Shortly after, we saw a group of natives on the west side. I suggested to Argyll we stop and visit.
    “Aye, ye’ can go ashore, Lad, but four seaman’ ll go with ye’ to watch yer back. I’ll keep an eye on ye’ from here.”
    From what I could determine from the warrior who met me, this was a scouting party from Powhatan’s main settlement looking for another village location. I was invited up to their temporary wikkiup. I raised my hand to the Chief seated outside. I didn’t know him, but I recognized Ma-to-aka seated near him. She knew me. I heard ‘Squire Allen,’ among the words she spoke to her husband in their language.
    From where our boat was pulled up I heard a seaman call, “Behint yer Squire!”
    I turned to see another Chief stride toward me from the edge of the forest. An impressive scowling man carrying a club at his side. He didn’t appear to be one of the welcoming committee.
    “Allen? Allen?” he said. “You are (a word I didn’t understand) White Man who loves slave girl. You insult me! You are nothing!” He had more guts than sense. He swung his club high. I leaped against him… pushed him off-balance and down. I drew my saber, kept him at bay. Ma-to-aka’s husband darted toward me. I instinctively cut him down. That allowed Pochins to swing his club. I managed to block it with my arm instead of my head. He nearly broke my left arm.   I skipped over the body to free my saber. I drove Pochins back.
    With their cutlasses, two of the seamen ran up to join on either side of me. Now the rest of the Natural warriors gathered weapons and started for us. Backing toward the boat we moved as fast as we dared. If some of that gang got behind us, we were in trouble. Captain Argyll fired a cannon shot over our heads. Panicked, our foes hesitated, fell back. I grabbed Ma-to-aka by the hand and dragged her back to the boat with us.
    It took two sailors to hoist her kicking and screaming aboard the Clyde. In doing so the ruffians took some personal liberties with her.   They, and she, thought she was abducted for their pleasure.
    “Let her up! No ones raping her!
    I drew my saber and faced an angry crew. The biggest brute turned toward me with his cutlass. “We got ‘er aboard! Yer not ‘aving ‘er first!”
    My back was to the rail. Nude Ma-to-aka lay at my feet, angry seamen on both sides of us. I drew my pistol with my left hand. I pointed it at the leader’s groin. “Back off! Or you’ll never have a woman again!”
    Someone in back hollered, “Let’s get ‘im! ‘E can’t shoot but one!”
    “Avast yer bleeding buggers”! Shouted Captain Argyll. He backed up his command with a loaded pistol. “I’ll decide who gets the prize!”
    “Captain!” I shouted. “She’s the Princess Ma-to-aka. If she’s abused, she’ll be no use as a ransom to Powhatan!”
    All activity froze!   Argyll took time to think. “We’re not pirates…And there’ll be no raping of women on my ship! Now stand down! All o’ye! Bosun! You tie her hands and feet. Put her in my berth…and no, I’ll not use her either!   Now then, we must put about! All hands to your stations!”
    When we were on the way back down the Chesapeak, Argyll had time to talk. “I’ve cut short my trip up the river for yer captive. Ye’ should know, calling the men off was a bit chancy. They’ve not had a wench since London.”
    “If Powhatan can be calmed, she may save some lives. Your crew can always go back to
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